java framework

I was lonely today I will post about the java framework.

How to choose

How to choose as a premise

Etc. The following two points should be suppressed.

Do you have the necessary functions

For example Spring Framework is highly versatile and has a lot of features The difference is that the Play Framework is lightweight and has limited functionality. Therefore, if you choose a framework with a focus on functionality for large-scale development, Adopting the Spring Framework is one way of thinking.

Is it a proven framework?

New frameworks are being created one after another If you choose a minor framework, there are few engineers who can handle it. There are extra learning costs, development costs, and maintenance costs. Therefore, we recommend that you choose a proven framework. If it is a famous framework, the development community and Japanese documents are enriched It also has the advantage of being easy to obtain information.

Framework list

There are others, but I will introduce these famous ones.

Spring Framework

An open source framework, sometimes referred to simply as Spring. Including frameworks that support database access and transaction processing It is a collection of many frameworks.

Java EE

Java standard framework. It used to be called J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition). Used in large-scale systems

Apache Struts

A framework provided by the Apache Software Foundation that has been in use since around 2001. Struts 1 is no longer supported and Struts 2 has been released in a different version.

Play Framework

An open source framework written in Scala, a programming language that makes it easy to integrate Java with Java. I am greatly influenced by the ideas of the Ruby framework "Ruby on Rails" and the python framework "Django".

Spark Framework

A lightweight micro-framework with a simple structure. It is influenced by the Ruby framework "Sinatora".

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