Java framework comparison

Java framework

There are various frameworks of Java. ・ Struts ・ JSF ・ Spring Boot, Spring Framework ・ Play Framework ・ Java EE This time, I compared two of the famous ones, Spring Framework and Play Framework.

Features of Spring Boot

SpringBoot HomePage The Spring Framework, which is an application framework for the Java platform, is specialized for Web application development. There is no need to set the Config file that was required for Spring Framework, most of the settings are automated, and there is no need to specify the classpath.

Features of Play Framework

PlayFramework HomePage It is an open source web application framework written in Java and Scala, and uses the MVC model. It's heavily influenced by Ruby on Rails and Django, so there are many similarities.

Evaluate and compare the two

See below for evaluation criteria Evaluation criteria



In Spring, the MVC model is not usually implemented, so it has a highly unique feel. However, you can develop with the MVC model by using the plug-in "Spring MVC".


In Spring, there is an IDE dedicated to Spring called STS, but the logarithm of the plug-in is unknown. However, since there is a dedicated IDE, it is extremely extensible.

Number of Japanese materials

The number of materials for Spring was about 130, which is standard.



Since the Play Framework uses the MVC model, the usability is general. Also, you can understand the program structure without Java language knowledge.


The Play framework didn't show the logarithm of the plugin. Also, since the usage of the plug-in was not described, the extensibility of the framework is low.

Number of Japanese materials

The number of materials in the Play framework was about 105, which is standard.

Security of the two frameworks

java.png In the Java framework, Play security level 2 and Spring have security level 4. From this result, it can be said that Play has a high security level and Sprig has a low security level. Spring detected SQL injection at high risk level. It is necessary for the user to take measures by escaping. Play has a high risk level and no vulnerabilities were detected. Play is a specification that automatically escapes the template of version 1.0.1 or later, and it will automatically escape by enabling escapelnTemplates in the application.conf file. Therefore, it can be said that it is resistant to vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection. The security level is higher than Spring because it takes security measures without the developer being aware of it because it does it automatically.

Comprehensive comparison

image.png From the results of this evaluation, if you want to develop a Web application with a framework for the time being, we recommend "Play Framework". It's not very extensible and not multifunctional, but I think it's easy to use because it's specialized for Web applications. Spring Boot is recommended for high-performance, security, and development with an emphasis on native application development. Besides Spring Boot, there are various plugins and other frameworks. Therefore, it has a wide range of development because it is compatible with everything. Spring Boot is recommended for those who have a high level of language knowledge and want to develop high-performance applications by combining them.

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