Differences between Java and .NET Framework

List some of the differences I've learned


Java is InputStream (java.io.InputStream) and OutputStream (java.io.OutputStream http://docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/org/omg/CORBA/portable/OutputStream.html)) It is divided into two parts, input and output.

On the other hand, in the .NET Framework, it is called Stream (System.IO.Stream). As you can see, the input and output are unified.


// C # sample code DeflateStream compressionStream = ne w DeflateStream(compressedFileStream, CompressionMode.Compress));

If you do, the output system (write) is good, but if you try to input (read), an error will occur, so it will hurt if you think that you can always input and output.

End of stream

java is "-1" .NET Framework is "0". (Only readByte () method is "-1")

Stream (Copy To)

.NET Framework 4 and later CopyTo (distStream) methods are useful

Filter stream

In Java, there are classes of the concept of filter streams (java.io.FilterInputStream and java.io. FilterOutputStream), so make it by inheriting it

There is no such thing in the .NET Framework, it is created by inheriting Stream

Memory stream

Java is java.io.ByteArrayInputStream and java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream .oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/java/io/ByteArrayOutputStream.html)

.NET Framework is System.IO.MemoryStream

Both Java / .NET Framework are difficult to use in situations where data is generated in real time → read () ends.

Memory stream (corresponding to chorochoro)

Java is java.io.PipedInputStream and java.io.PipedOutputStream .oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/java/io/PipedOutputStream.html)

.NET Framework doesn't know such classes Suffice it to say, the anonymous pipe class (System.IO.Pipes.AnonymousPipeClientStream. aspx) and System.IO.Pipes.AnonymousPipeServerStream)

Cryptographic / hash etc. (Java)

Java is fine

--Cryptography -javax.crypto.CipherInputStream and [javax.crypto.CipherOutputStream](http://docs. oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/javax/crypto/CipherOutputStream.html) --The substance of them javax.crypto.Cipher --Hash -java.security.DigestInputStream and [java.security.DigestOutputStream](http://docs. oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/java/security/DigestOutputStream.html) --The substance of them java.security.MessageDigest

Cryptographic / hash etc. (.NET Framework)

Treated in a unified manner

Base class

System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform Assigned to the above class as an interface

--Cryptography -CreateEncryptor / CreateDecryptor method of System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm --Hash --[System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm] inherited from ICryptoTransform [https://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/system.security.cryptography.hashalgorithm(v=vs.110).aspx)

HMAC under HashAlgorithm

There is.


Both Java / .NET Framework did not have the function to compress in real time, but from Java7 [java.util.zip.Deflater#SYNC_FLUSH](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/8/docs/api/ java / util / zip / Deflater.html) has been added to enable real-time zlib compression.

For the .NET Framework, you can use zlib.NET.dll. How to perform compression synchronously (real time) with C # /.NET Framework


Java inherits java.net.Socket javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket //docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/javax/net/ssl/SSLSocket.html)

.NET Framework inherits System.IO.Stream System.Net .Security.SslStream

The .NET Framework inherits Stream, while Java branches into InputStream / OutputStream !? Socket inherits

SSL option (Java)

Java is versatile

--Protocol / cipher suites supported as JavaVM

SSL option (.NET Framework)

.NET Framework only protocol control !?


Both Java / .NET Framework are unified with internal character code UTF16.

Java is basically prepared for each implementation AudioFileReader, FileReader, FilterReader, InputStreamReader, LineNumberReader, PipedReader, PushbackReader, Reader, XMLStreamReader .... too many

The .NET Framework includes System.IO.StreamReader and System.IO. StreamWriter

Reader ReadToEnd ()

System.IO.StreamReader.ReadToEnd () is convenient.

Close to ReadAll () for file operations in VisualBASIC6.0 (Scripting.FileSystemObject). Very convenient.

Multicast UDP

Multicast is implemented as UDP in both .NET Framework / Java

Java inherits java.net.DatagramSocket which is the substance of UDP [java.net.MulticastSocket] ](Http://docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/java/net/MulticastSocket.html)

The .NET Framework is the entity of UDP [System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient](https://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/system.net.sockets.udpclient (v = vs.110). aspx) itself


In Java, it is javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream that inherits Stream, so recording is easy. it can.

The output (audio playback to the speaker) is not Stream, but you can easily create a wrapper that inherits Stream.

The .NET Framework can only use Managed DirectX (MDX) or 3rd Party's SlimDX, but coding may be quite difficult.


Java inherits java.net.URLConnection [java.net.HttpURLConnection](http: / /docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/java/net/HttpURLConnection.html) "http only" and its children javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection /javase/jp/6/api/javax/net/ssl/HttpsURLConnection.html) "For https"

.NET Framework inherits System.Net.WebRequest System.Net .HttpWebRequest "http / https combined use"

Android has org.apache.http.client.HttpClient class

Type of type

Java is basic such as int, long (only necessary and sufficient)

.NET Framework is various such as Int32, UInt32 ,,,

byte type

Java is -128 to 127 (Be careful when converting to and from JRuby / Jython)

.NET Framework 0-255

Personally, I don't understand the meaning of negative numbers in byte type.

Static method

Java can put static methods in instantiated objects → You can call it with this

.NET Framework cannot be called with this


Java calls the class itself java.lang.Thread class (java.lang.Runnable //docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/java/lang/Runnable.html) Inherit and implement the interface) → Threads can be said to be class units

.NET Framework registers the method in System.Threading.Thread → Threads can be said to be method units

Lock processing

Java lock is "synchronized"

Various .NET Framework locks (with the evolution of Windows ...)


Java.util.Base64 from JDK8

.NET Framework Base64 in many places

URL encoding

Java URL encoding (java.net.URLEncoder and [java.net.URLDecoder](http: //docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/java/net/URLDecoder.html)) is a character string → Cannot be used

String comparison

Java string comparison is equals () method

switch statement

You cannot switch () with a string in Java. → Solved with Java 8 !?

Zlib real-time compression

How to perform compression synchronously (real time) with C # /.NET Framework

XML xref

Java is [javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder # setEntityResolver () method](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/javax/xml/parsers/DocumentBuilder.html#setEntityResolver (org.xml) .sax.EntityResolver)))

.NET Framework is System.Xml.XmlDocument # XmlResolver Property

Null behavior of XML xrefs

Not only are the above methods and properties different, but the behavior when NULL is specified is also different.

Java adopts the default object (that is, the same as parsing XML without calling a method).

The .NET Framework is a NULL object (that is, no xrefs / no xrefs).

XML xref object

The object that specifies the resolver of the above xref is

For Java, org.xml.sax.EntityResolver interface

For .NET Framework, System.Xml.XmlResolver abstract class

The only class that needs to implement an XML xref object

Obviously, the only thing that needs to be implemented in the object that specifies the xref resolver above is ** "a method that returns the content of the URI that points to the xref" **.

The only class that requires an implementation of an XML xref object (Java)

For Java, [org.xml.sax.InputSource.InputSource resolveEntity (String publicId, String systemId) method](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/org/xml/sax/EntityResolver .html # resolveEntity (java.lang.String,% 20java.lang.String))

The second argument is a String type, but a URI indicating an external reference comes and [org.xml.sax.InputSource.InputSource class](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/org/xml /sax/InputSource.html) is returned.

The only class that requires an implementation of an XML xref object (.NET Framework)

For .NET Framework, [object GetEntity (Uri absoluteUri, string role, Type ofObjectToReturn) method](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/dotnet/api/system.xml.xmlresolver.getentity?view= netframework-4.7.2 # System_Xml_XmlResolver_GetEntity_System_Uri_System_String_System_Type_) only.

In the first argument, the URI indicating the external reference comes in System.Uri class. , System.IO.Stream class is just returned.

There is a third argument that indicates the type / class you want to return, but the reality is [System.IO.Stream class](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/dotnet/api/system.io.stream? It seems that only view = netframework-4.7.2) is given, so after all [System.IO.Stream class](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/dotnet/api/system.io.stream?view?view Just return = netframework-4.7.2).

What is the InputSource class returned by an XML xref object?

For the above .NET FrameWork, use System.IO.Stream class It's neat because it just returns, but the [org.xml.sax.InputSource.InputSource class] for Java (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/org/xml/sax) What is /InputSource.html)? java.io.InputStream class and [java.io.Reader class](https://docs .oracle.com/javase/jp/6/api/java/io/Reader.html) (and the character code) can be expressed as a summary.

Classic 3rd party library

For Java, there's usually something in Apache-Commons

.NET Framework ... I don't know

Classic 3rd party library (.NET Framework hash)

Classless.Hasher was convenient

Classic 3rd party library (.NET Framework random numbers)

Rei no Hut C # Random Library was convenient

Classic 3rd party library (.NET Framework / Java encryption)

The Legion of the Bouncy Castle may be a classic crypto library for both Java / .NET Framework

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