What to do if intellisense doesn't work with Anaconda + VSCode + Tensorflow2.1

What to do if intellisense doesn't work with Anaconda + VSCode + Tensorflow2.1

When using Tensorflow with VS Code, intellisense does not work. (I'm not sure why.) In such a case, try the following procedure to improve it.

** ~ Environment ~ ** ・ Windows 10 ・ Anaconda3 ・ Tensorflow2.1 ・ VSCode ver.1.45.0

** ~ Procedure ~ ** ** 1. Rename the tensorflow folder (anaconda3 \ envs \ (tensorflow virtual environment) \ Lib \ site-packages \ tensorflow) appropriately. It can be tensorflow_bk or whatever. ** **

** 2. Rename the tensorflow_core folder (anaconda3 \ envs \ (tensorflow virtual environment) \ Lib \ site-packages \ tensorflow_core) to tensorflow. ** **

** 3. Add the following code to \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _. Py in the tensorflow folder. ** **

from .python.keras.api._v2 import keras
from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.api._v2 import estimator

Quote  https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/32982  https://qiita.com/artemis5656/items/e8e464510a7d907e1feb

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