Intellisense doesn't work with tensorflow2.0 + VScode


It is said that code completion did not work with tensorflow2.0 + VScode and it was difficult to solve it. It was reported in here, and there was a solution, so I tried it and it worked.

Development environment windows10 VScode==1.40.0 tensorflow==2.0.0


  1. Since there are tensorflow and tensorflow_core in the tensorflow installation directory (site-packages / in most cases), rename tensorflow appropriately and rename tensorflow_core to tensorflow ('tensorflow → tensorflow_back' etc.).
  2. Add the following to tensorflow / \ _ \ _ init \ _ \ _. Py (originally tensorflow_core /
from .python.keras.api._v2 import keras
from tensorflow_estimator.python.estimator.api._v2 import estimator

Only this. However, I have not confirmed it because there was a note that there was no problem even if there was no addition of the import statement of 2, but it may be possible to just rename.

Also, there was a way to keep the library itself unchanged, so I will introduce it.

  1. Create a symbolic link to tensorflow_core with the name tensorflow.
  2. Specify the path of the directory containing the link created in VScode settings as follows.
"python.autoComplete.extraPaths": [

I thought it was best to avoid messing around with the library itself, so I tried this method at first, but it didn't work in my environment, so I had no choice but to rename it.

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