Smoothly reload modules on jupyter


When developing a self-made module, if you load the self-made module with jupyter and check the operation in order to check the behavior interactively, you need to restart the kernel every time you update the contents of the self-made module. This procedure is quite annoying, so I searched for a workaround and found it with ʻimport lib`.


As mentioned above, use the ʻimport lib` module

In the case of ʻimport hoge`

ʻImportlib.reload` updates the module.

import hoge

import importlib


For from hoge import fuga

In this case, it is quite troublesome, and after reloading the from module, it is necessary to execute import again.

from hoge import fuga

import importlib

from hoge import fuga


--Reload from import in Python.

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