I tried to make an open / close sensor (Twitter cooperation) with TWE-Lite-2525A

I tried to make an open / close sensor-like with TWE-Lite-2525A

I took on the challenge of electronic work during the summer vacation. This is Qiita's first post.

This goal

Detects vibration (acceleration) using a small IOT sensor with acceleration (TWE-LITE-2525A) and POSTs to Twitter's API.


What I bought this time

Purchased online from Akizuki Denshi. I arrived in about 2 days. --Mono Wireless Co., Ltd .: 1.TWE-LITE-2525A (Twilight Nico Nico) 2.MONOSTICK --Made by Golden Power 3. Lithium battery CR2032

Other development environment:

- Windows10(64bit) --Python3 series

1. Preparation of TWE-LITE-2525A

If you leave it as it was at the time of purchase, it will be difficult to handle the data sent from Twilight 2525, so Rewrite the settings of MONOSTICK and TWE-LITE-2525A.

To rewrite it, I use a function called "OTA". It is a mechanism to "write the firmware to the USB side (receiver: monostick side) and wirelessly overwrite it from the USB side to the sensor side". However, since the USB side will be used as a receiver after that, it is necessary to overwrite the firmware for the receiver again. It seems to be an abbreviation for # Over The Air.

Since there is an official video, it is easy to get an overview by looking at the following.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq_pkrvypBA

I understand the flow, but how do you actually rewrite it? The information on the official website is cluttered, and I was a little addicted to it before moving it.

1-1. Preparation of data for overwriting

DL the "Samp_Monitor application" from the following.  https://mono-wireless.com/jp/products/TWE-Lite-2525A/firmware_update.html

1.Samp_Monitor_EndDevice_Input_JN5164_CNFMST_1_6_1.bin  2.Samp_Monitor_EndDevice_Input_JN5164_LITE2525A_1_6_1.bin  3.Samp_Monitor_Parent_JN5164_1_6_1.bin

The above three are included in the ZIP file that has been downloaded, 1 is used for the bin installed on the sensor side, and 3 is used for the bin installed on the USB side.

1-2. Farm writing to USB

DL / Install "TWE-LITE Programmer for Windows" from the following.  http://mono-wireless.com/jp/tech/misc/LiteProg/

Use this application to write various firmware to the USB monostick. 3 monopg.png

Please note that if MONOSTICK is recognized in another window, it will not be recognized by this application. In addition, if it is not recognized, it may be better to connect and disconnect the USB.

1-3. Writing firmware to the sensor side

Firmware to write to the sensor side using the above TWE-LITE programmer Write (1.Samp_Monitor_EndDevice_Input_JN5164_CNFMST_1_6_1.bin) to USB.

Change to any setting as in the video. (Don't forget to save the settings with "S") Please refer to the official separately for details such as serial connection and baud rate setting in TeraTerm.

Refer to the image below for this setting sensor.png

After completing the settings, turn on the lithium power while keeping the sensor close to the USB, Rewrite the farm on the sensor side.

1-4. Writing the farm to the USB side

Firmware to write to the USB side using the TWE-LITE programmer Write (3.Samp_Monitor_Parent_JN5164_1_6_1.bin) to USB.

Change to any setting as in the video. (Don't forget to save the settings with "S")

Refer to the image below for this setting usb.png

The setting is completed on the USB side as it is.

1-5. Operation check

If you check from TeraTerm, you can get various values with key = value as shown below.

If there is no response from the sensor, only the "ts" tag will be output. You can get the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. (I don't see that much this time) kyacchi.png

2. Creating a program on the Python side

I wrote Python for the first time. Please refer to the installation of Python and the creation of Twitter API separately.

Twitter (OAuth) integration in Python uses requests-oauthlib, an OAuth authentication library for Python. Install the library like this.

pip install requests requests_oauthlib

Create the code by referring to the sample on the website of Monowire. The whole source code looks like this.


import serial
import requests
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
from datetime import datetime

CK = 'Write your Consumer Key'
CS = 'Write your Consumer Secret'
AT = 'Write your Access Token'
AS = 'Write your Accesss Token Secert'

#Open COM3
s = serial.Serial('COM3', 115200)

#URL for posting tweets
url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json"

#infinite loop
while 1:
    data = s.readline()
    #The first ":Get rid of
    data = data[2:]
    spilitdatum = data.decode('utf-8').split(":")
    dict = {}
    # key,Save as value type in dictionary
    for spilitdata in spilitdatum:
        s_key = spilitdata.split("=")[0]
        s_val = spilitdata.split("=")[1]
        dict[s_key] = s_val
    #When there is no detection from the sensor, only the "ts" key can be obtained, so
    #Here as an appropriate key[id]Judgment by
    if ("id" in dict):
        #Tweet body
        #If Twitter has the same text, Status is a duplicate and it will be 403 Status, so set the time.
        params = {"status": "Vibrate Detection! " + "\n" + datetime.now().strftime('%X')}
        #Post by POST method with OAuth authentication
        twitter = OAuth1Session(CK, CS, AT, AS)
        req = twitter.post(url, params = params)

        #Check the response
        if req.status_code == 200:
            print ("OK: %s" % req)
            print ("Error: %s" % req.content)


3. Confirmation of cooperation between TWE-Lite-25252A and Twitter.

It's simple, but it's perfect for the door. DSC_0450.png

He tweeted wonderfully by opening and closing the door. cmd.png


If this is left as it is, there will be too many detections (a few notifications will be sent by opening and closing the door once). It seems that it is necessary to reduce the notification timing on the wireless side (default 0.5 seconds) and make adjustments on the Python side and server side. I use too much Twitter resources ;;

After that, if you combine it with AWS IoT or MQTT, you will have an IOT service. How about electronic work for your child's summer vacation homework?

So I wrote Qiita for the first time, but I was tired.

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