Attempt to launch another .exe and save the console output to a text file

Get and save the console output of the process started by subprocess.

You can save the console output of test.exe to a text file with the following code. Both test.bat (and .bat file) can save console output to a text file.

** Use subprocess.Popen (.., stdout = .., stderr = ..), send console output to this process with stderr = subprocess.PIPE, and start withproc.communicate () Wait for the end of the process. (If there is no proc.communicate (), it will continue without waiting for the end, and it will be parallel processing) **

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#To get / save the console output of the process started by subprocess
# ref:

import subprocess

def main(): #For execution switching

# sec:Get and save console output

def run__main1():
    # test.exe console output can be saved
    # test.bat can also save console output,.bat is also possible
  # case: FAIL
    #"test.exe > res.log.txt")
  # case: Popen(.., stdout=..)use
    with open("res.log.txt", 'w') as file_log:
        proc = subprocess.Popen(
            stdout=file_log, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        proc.communicate() #Required for standby, if output is required: stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
    print("return code:", proc.returncode) # DEBUG:For standby / end confirmation
  # case: end

# sec: entry

if __name__ == "__main__": main()


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