How to create a Conda package

How to create a Conda package

The user has Anaconda Python under his home directory If installed, Available in Conda package as well as Python Applications, libraries, etc. It will be easy to use.

This article describes how to create a Conda package in Anaconda Python. This is a document for Linux.

Conda package

As for Python packages, packages distributed by PyPI (Python Package Index) are known. These can be installed with the pip command.

** Installation example with pip command **

$ pip install shpinx

PyPI packages are created with a packaging tool called setuptools. Because it is a slightly quirky package creation method There are some difficulties in usability.

In Anaconda Python You can add / remove packages with the Conda command, An easy way to create a package is provided.

The Conda package is downloaded from the following location:

Preparing to create a Conda package

If you just want to build a Conda package You can use miniconda.

** How to install miniconda **

$ wget
$ bash -b -p $HOME/conda/x64
$ echo export PATH=$HOME/conda/x64/bin:$PATH >> $HOME/.bash_profile
$ source $HOME/.bash_profile

Next, in the root environment of Anaconda Python Install the conda-build package.

$ conda install -n root conda-build

It is recommended to use the latest version of conda-build. Even after installation, you can update as follows.

$ conda upgrade -n root conda
$ conda upgrade -n root conda-build

directory structure of conda-build

Miniconda3 if you have Miniconda3 installed under $ HOME / conda / x64 conda-build puts the files in the following directories:

├── git_cache           --Source downloaded with git
├── hg_cache            --Source downloaded with mercurial
├── linux-64            --conda package(x86_64:System dependent)
├── linux-ppc64le       --conda package(ppc64le:System dependent)
├── noarch              --conda package(noarch)
├── src_cache           --Source downloaded with curl
└── svn_cache           --Source downloaded with subversion

The package is built according to the recipe (more on that later), When you install the package, it is usually extracted to the following directory.

├── bin
├── etc
├── lib
├── include
├── man
└── share

If you put it in a conda package, Under the user's home directory You can add / remove packages with user privileges.

Convert from existing package to Conda package

You can find it on CPAN, CRAN,, PyPI by using the conda skeleton command. You can convert an existing package to a Conda package.

For example, pyinstrument distributed by PyPI To make it a Conda package, execute the command as follows.

$ conda skeleton pypi autopep8
Using url (105 KB) for autopep8.
Downloading autopep8
INFO:fetch.start:('autopep8-1.3.2', 107915)
Unpacking autopep8...
working in /tmp/tmptgwzsstsconda_skeleton_autopep8-1.3.2.tar.gz

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    openssl:    1.0.2l-0           
    pip:        9.0.1-py35_1       
    python:     3.5.3-1            
    pyyaml:     3.12-py35_0   hpcs 
    readline:   6.2-2         local
    setuptools: 27.2.0-py35_0      
    sqlite:     3.13.0-0           
    tk:         8.5.18-0           
    wheel:      0.29.0-py35_0      
    xz:         5.2.2-1            
    zlib:       1.2.8-3            

Applying patch: '/tmp/tmptgwzsstsconda_skeleton_autopep8-1.3.2.tar.gz/pypi-distutils.patch'
patching file
Hunk #1 succeeded at 167 with fuzz 2 (offset 1 line).
Writing recipe for autopep8
INFO:conda_build.config:--dirty flag not specified.  Removing build folder after successful build/test.

When executed, it will be in the current directory A directory with the package name sphinx is created The required files will be created.

$ $ ls autopep8/
bld.bat  meta.yaml

These files are called recipes for Conda packages.

If you give the conda build command the directory where the recipe is stored, You can create a Conda package.

conda build autopep8

Doing this will create a package file (actually a tarball).


Conda package naming convention

The Conda package creates a package file with the same naming convention as it does now.

package name-version-Build type_Build number.tar.bz2

Conda packages for different Python versions

When you install Miniconda3-4.3.14 The default Python version is 3.6. On this platform If you want to create a Conda package for Python 2.7, Build as follows.

$ conda build --python=2.7 autopep8

The file created as a result of the build looks like this:


Channel registration

Channel registration

For example, on a Linux machine with x86_64 architecture With conda installed under / home / iisaka / py3 When you build the package, it will be saved in the following directory.

Let's register this as a channel.

$ conda config --add channels file:///home/iisaka/conda/x64/conda-bld


The recipe consists of the following files.

Package metadata

Package metadata Package name, package number, build number, how to get the source, etc. The file is written in YAML format and the file name is meta.yaml.

#Comments from the pound sign to the end of the line
  name:package name
  version:Version number

  fn:File name to save
  url:URL to download the source
#The checksum value can be any one, or omitted.
  md5:Checksum value of md5sum
  sha1:checksum value of sha1sum
  sha256:checksum value for sha256sum

#   patches:    #List of patch files(Optional)
#      - fix1.patch
#      - fix2.patch
  number: 0       #Build number

requirements:     #Describe the dependent package name
  build:          #Packages required at build time
    - python
    - setuptools

  run:            #Packages required at run time
    - python

about:      #Describe the package description
  home:     #URL of the site or project that distributes the source
  license:  #List license GPL2, GPL3, AGPL3, BSD,MIT etc.
  summary:  #Overview
  license_family: BSD

instead of url for source You can also specify a relative path from the recipe directory with path.

The format of the virgin number follows PEP-440.

If you want to change the requirements and build number for each platform, Specify the selector and describe as follows.

  number: 2 # [osx]
  number: 1 # [linux]

    - ncurses
    - dbus # [osx]
    - jpeg # [linux]

The selector is given in the format `` `# [value] ```, and the value can be specified as follows.

Selector value Contents
x86 X86 architecture on Intel and AMD CPUs(32bit/64bit)True at
x86_64 X86 on Intel and AMD CPUs_64 architecture(64bit)True at
linux True when the platform is Linux
linux32 True when the platform is Linux and the Python architecture is 32-bit
linux64 True when the platform is Linux and the Python architecture is 64-bit
armv6l True when the platform is Linux and the Python architecture is armv6l
armv7l True when the platform is Linux and the Python architecture is armv7l
ppc64le True when the platform is Linux and the Python architecture is ppc64le
osx True when the platform is OS X
unix Platform is Unix(OS X or Linux)True at
win True when the platform is Windows
win32 True when the platform is Windows and the Python architecture is 32-bit
win64 True when the platform is Windows and the Python architecture is 64-bit
py XX Two-letter version notation of Python(Example 27)Give CONDA_Same as the value of PY)
py3k True when major version of Python is 3
py2k True when major version of Python is 2
py27 Python version 2.True at 7
py34 Python version 3.True when 4
py35 Python version 3.True at 5
py36 Python version 3.True at 6
np XX NumPy version integer notation(Example 111) CONDA_Same as the value of NPY

Build script

What is a build script? Required to build a package A script with instructions.


$PYTHON install

# Add more build steps here, if they are necessary.

# See
# for a list of environment variables that are set during the build process.

According to the source availability information described in the metadata The conda build command downloads Extract it to your working directory and then call the build script.

The working directory is under $ HOME / conda / x64 / conda-build, Created with a * package name-epoch time * directory name.

When installing when creating a package Under the working directory, go to the directory starting with _b_env_ It will be installed in.

├── _b_env_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_placehold_pl
│   ├── bin
│   ├── conda-meta
│   ├── include
│   ├── lib
│   ├── share
│   └── ssl
└── work
    └── lftp-4.7.5

Pre / post processing

If you want to process before and after the conda package is installed, Create the following script.

These scripts are executed after the following environment variables are set.

Environment variable Contents
PREFIX (--Specified by prefix)Installation directory
PKG_VERSION Package version
PKG_BUILDNUM Package build number

In pre / post processing, nothing is output to standard output or standard error output, It is stored in $ PREFIX / .messages.txt.

Environment variables in the Conda build process

The following environment variables are set internally in Conda, You can refer to it in the build script.

Environment variable Contents
ARCH Either 32 or 64. The differential is chosen depending on the platform on which conda is running.
CMAKE_GENERATOR A string of CMake generators for the current build environment. On Unix systems this is always"Unix Makefiles"is.
CONDA_BUILD=1 1 is always set.
CPU_COUNT Number of CPUs(multiprocessing.cpu_count()Value returned by)
SHLIB_EXT Shared library extension
DIRTY to the conda build command--If the dirty flag is passed, it will be set to 1. It can be used to conditionally skip parts of the build script.(No need to repeat to save time when downloading, deploying, and developing recipes>Something like)
HTTP_PROXY Inherits environment variables set in the shell.
HTTPS_PROXY Inherits environment variables set in the shell.
LANG It inherits the environment variables set in your shell.
MAKEFLAGS It inherits the environment variables set in your shell. For building with two CPUs-Arguments to add to make, such as j2.
NPY_VER Numpy version to build(CONDA_NPY environment variables and--Set with numpy)
PATH It inherits the environment variables set in your shell.$PREFIX/bin is added.
PREFIX (--Specified by prefix)Installation directory)
PKG_VERSION Package version
PYTHON The path to the Python executable in the build environment.
R The path to the R executable in the build environment. R will only be installed when listed as a build requirement)
RECIPE_DIR Recipe directory
SP_DIR Python site-Path to packages
SRC_DIR Source unfolds(Or clone)Path that the source file can recognize(.zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz )If not, it will be the path to the directory where the source files were copied.
STDLIB_DIR Path to Python standard library
PKG_CONFIG_PATH Path to the pkgconfig directory
LD_RUN_PATH <build_prefix>/lib

Environment variables in git

If you specify a git repository for source with git_url or path, the following environment variables are also set:

Environment variable Contents
GIT_BUILD_STR GIT_DESCRIBE_NUMBER and GIT_DESCRIBE_Underline HASH(_)Character strings connected by.
GIT_DESCRIBE_HASH git describe --Current commit short hash value displayed by tags
GIT_DESCRIBE_NUMBER A string indicating the number of commits from the most recent tag
GIT_DESCRIBE_TAG A string representing the latest tag from the current commit(git describe --Output of tags)
GIT_FULL_HASH A string indicating the full SHA1 value of the current HEAD

Environment variables in mercurial

If you specify a mercurial repository for source, The following environment variables are also set:

Environment variable Contents
HG_BRANCH A string that indicates the currently active branch
HG_BUILD_STR HG_NUM_ID and HG_SHORT_Underline ID(_)Character string connected by
HG_LATEST_TAG A string that indicates the latest tag from the current commit
HG_LATEST_TAG_DISTANCE A string indicating the number of commits from the latest tag
HG_NUM_ID Character string indicating the revision number
HG_SHORT_ID A string indicating the commit hash

Inheritance of environment variables

On the Linux platform, in an environment that calls conda build other than the above, No variables are inherited. By adding it to meta.yaml You can add environment variables to inherit.

   - LD_LIBRARY_PATH # [linux]

If the inherited variable is missing from the build shell environment That variable remains unallocated, A warning is displayed stating that the value has not been set.

Note: Inheriting environment variables It can be difficult for others to reproduce the binaries from the source using recipes. Use this feature with caution or avoid it at all.

Environment variables that affect the build process

Environment variable Contents
CONDA_PY 27,Give 34 or 35. The version of Python for building packages.
CONDA_NPY 19,Give 110 or 111. The version of numpy used when building the package.
CONDA_PREFIX /path/to/conda/The path to the conda environment used when building packages like env

Environment variables in build features

Even if the features have the same name and version It is a mechanism that allows you to register the difference between packages. The packages specified by track_features will also be installed.

The feature is not the package itself These are the characteristics of the environment in which the package is installed. For example, if mkl is specified in track_features, Regular numpy removed and mkl featured numpy package installed This is because the conda automatically changes according to the specified feature, such as.

Environment variable Contents
FEATURE_NOMKL Give the nomkl feature when building the package. 0 for off, 1 for on
FEATURE_DEBU Give debug features when building packages. 0 for off, 1 for on
FEATURE_OPT Give the opt feature when building the package. 0 for off, 1 for on

Build tips

When trying to build a package, multiple packages with dependencies You may need to build it.

Make sure the recipe directory name is the same as the package name specified in the metafile.

This way, when you build the package The same directory as the dependent package If it is in the current directory It will automatically build this package for you.

Let's make the PGI compiler a Conda package

Since 2016, the community version of the PGI compiler has been available for free, so Let's make this a Conda package.

numactl package

First, create the numactl package needed by the PGI compiler.

Create the same directory as the package name numactl and Place the metadata file and the bulld script there.

$ mkdir numactl 

** Metadata file **

    name: numactl
    version: 2.0.11

    fn:  numactl-2.0.11.tar.gz
    md5: b56d2367217cde390b4d8087e00773b8

      - m4
      - autoconf
      - automake
      - libtool
      - pkg-config

    summary: NUMA support for Linux
    license: GPL2.0

** Build script **


export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I${PREFIX}/include"
export CPPFLAGS="-I${PREFIX}/include"
export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L${PREFIX}/lib"


./configure --help
./configure \
    --prefix="${PREFIX}"   \

make -j${CPU_COUNT}
make install

build numactl package

$ conda build numactl

PGI compiler

Since the notation of jinja2 can be used in the metafile, Generated by the value of the environment variable at build time as follows I try to switch packages.

Set default values for dependent packages

{% set require1 = "" %}
{% set require2 = "" %}
{% set numactl  = "" %}

#Holds the value of the environment variable HOME
{% set home = environ.get("HOME") %}

#Environment variable PGI_Holds the value of COMPONENT
{% set component = environ.get("PGI_COMPONENT") %}

# PGI_The package target is divided according to the value given by COMPONENT.
{% if component == "openmpi" %}
{% set name = "pgi-openmpi" %}
{% set require1 = "- pgi-compiler" %}
{% elif component == "cuda80" %}
{% set name = "pgi-cuda80" %}
{% set require1 = "- pgi-compiler" %}
{% set require2 = "- pgi-java" %}
{% elif component == "cuda75" %}
{% set name = "pgi-cuda75" %}
{% set require1 = "- pgi-compiler" %}
{% set require2 = "- pgi-java" %}
{% elif component == "examples" %}
{% set name = "pgi-examples" %}
{% set require1 = "- pgi-compiler" %}
{% elif component == "java" %}
{% set name = "pgi-java" %}
{% else %}
{% set name = "pgi-compiler" %}
#Request the numactl package only for the compiler
{% set numactl = "- numactl" %}
{% endif %}

  name: {{ name }}
  version: 17.4

#TAR ball downloaded from PGI site in advance$Save to HOME
  url: file://{{ home }}/pgilinux-2017-174-x86_64.tar.gz
  - fix-install.patch

  number: 0
  binary_relocation: false

    - perl
    {{ numactl }}
    {{ numactl }}
    {{ require1 }}
    {{ require2 }}

  license: PGI Eng-User License
  license_file: LICENSE.txt
  summary: "A no-cost license to a recent release of the PGI Fortran, C and C++ compilers and tools for multicore CPUs and NVIDIA Tesla GPUs, including all OpenACC, OpenMP and CUDA Fortran features."

The build script looks like this:


#Set parameters for install script
export PGI_SILENT=true
export PGI_ACCEPT_EULA=accept
export PGI_INSTALL_AMD=false
export PGI_INSTALL_JAVA=false
export PGI_INSTALL_MPI=false
export PGI_MPI_GPU_SUPPORT=false

#Create an installation directory
[ -d ${PREFIX}/pgi ] || mkdir ${PREFIX}/pgi

# / pre-unlink.If sh is in the recipe directory, delete it
[ -f ${RECIPE_DIR}/ ]  && rm -f ${RECIPE_DIR}/
[ -f ${RECIPE_DIR}/ ] && rm -f ${RECIPE_DIR}/
Extract the file according to the package name
case "${PKG_NAME}" in
    tar -zxvf install_components/linux86-64.pgicuda.tar.gz \
              -C ${PREFIX}/pgi
    rm -rf ${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-64/2017/cuda/8.0
    exit 0
    tar -zxvf install_components/linux86-64.pgicuda8.0-libnvvp.tar.gz \
              -C ${PREFIX}/pgi
    tar -zxvf install_components/linux86-64.pgicuda.tar.gz \
              -C ${PREFIX}/pgi
    rm -rf ${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-64/2017/cuda/7.5
    exit 0
    export PGI_INSTALL_MANAGED=true
    export PGI_INSTALL_AMD=true
    #Post only for / pre-unlink.enable sh
    [ -f ${RECIPE_DIR}/scripts/ ]  && \
         cp ${RECIPE_DIR}/scripts/ ${RECIPE_DIR}/
    [ -f ${RECIPE_DIR}/scripts/ ] && \
         cp ${RECIPE_DIR}/scripts/ ${RECIPE_DIR}/
    export PGI_INSTALL_MPI=true
    mkdir -vp workdir
    tar -zxvf install_components/openmpi-1.10.2_2017_x86_64.tar.gz \
              -C workdir
    tar -zxvf workdir/linux86-64.openmpi-1.10.2.tar.gz \
              -C ${PREFIX}/pgi/
    tar -zxvf install_components/scalapack-2.0.2_2017_x86_64.tar.gz \
              -C ${PREFIX}/pgi/

    mkdir -vp ${PREFIX}/pgi/modulefiles
    perl workdir/ \
         -libdir ${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-64/2017/mpi/openmpi-1.10.2 \
         -openmpiver 1.10.2 \
         -install ${PREFIX}/pgi/modulefiles/ \
         -release 2017
    exit 0
    export PGI_INSTALL_JAVA=true
    mkdir -vp ${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-64/17.4/java
    tar -zxvf install_components/common/jre-8u112-linux-x64.tar.gz \
       -C ${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-64/17.4/java

    mkdir -vp ${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-64/17.4/bin
    cp install_components/linux86-64/17.4/bin/*.jar \
    cp install_components/linux86-64/17.4/bin/pgtjavarc \
    exit 0
    tar -zxvf install_components/linux86-64.examples.tar.gz \
              -C ${PREFIX}/pgi
    exit 0


#Delete unnecessary files
rm -rf ${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-64/17.4/cray
rm -rf ${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-64/2017/cray
rm -rf ${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-64/2017/examples/

[ "${PGI_INSTALL_MPI}" != "true" ] && \
    rm -rf ${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-64/17.4/lib/scalapack

[ "${PGI_INSTALL_MPI}" != "true" ] && {
    rm -rf ${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-5/17.4/bin/*.jar
    rm -rf ${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-5/17.4/bin/pgtjavarc

In the recipe directory scripts / Create scripts /



mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/etc/conda/deactivate.d
mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/etc/conda/activate.d

cat <<EOF > ${PREFIX}/etc/conda/deactivate.d/${PKG_NAME}.sh
export PATH=\${PATH_pgi}
export MANPATH=\${MANPATH_pgi}
unset PATH_pgi
unset MANPATH_pgi

cat <<EOF > ${PREFIX}/etc/conda/activate.d/${PKG_NAME}.sh
export PGI=${PREFIX}/pgi/linux86-64/${PKG_VERSION}
export CC=\${PGI}/bin/pgcc
export FC=\${PGI}/bin/pgfortran
export F90=\${PGI}/bin/pgf90
export F77=\${PGI}/bin/pgf77
export CPP="\${PGI}/bin/pgcc -E"
export CXX=\${PGI}/bin/pgc++
export PATH_pgi=\${PATH}
export PATH=\${PGI}/bin:\${PATH}
export MANPATH_pgi=\${MANPATH}
export MANPATH=\${PGI}/man:\${MANPATH}



rm -f ${PREFIX}/etc/conda/deactivate.d/${PKG_NAME}.sh
rm -f ${PREFIX}/etc/conda/activate.d/${PKG_NAME}.sh

Patch file specified in the metadata file


diff -Nru pgilinux-2017-174-x86_64.orig/install_components/install pgilinux-2017-174-x86_64/install_components/install
--- pgilinux-2017-174-x86_64.orig/install_components/install	2017-04-22 02:16:31.000000000 +0900
+++ pgilinux-2017-174-x86_64/install_components/install	2017-06-01 14:30:18.902018374 +0900
@@ -739,27 +739,7 @@
             cd ..
             rm -rf scalapack
-            numa_lib=""
-            if test -e /usr/lib64/ ; then
-                numa_lib=/usr/lib64/
-            elif test -e /usr/lib64/ ; then
-                numa_lib=/usr/lib64/
-            elif test -e /lib64/ ; then
-                numa_lib=/lib64/
-            elif test -e /lib64/ ; then
-                numa_lib=/lib64/
-            elif test -e /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ; then
-                numa_lib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-            elif test -e /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ; then
-                numa_lib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
-            fi
-            if test "numa_lib" != "" ; then
-                ln -sf $numa_lib $INSTALL_DIR/linux86-64/$REL_VERSION/mpi/openmpi-${OMPI_VERSION}/lib/
-            else
-                echo "WARNING: was not found on your system!"
-                echo "Open MPI requires to function correctly."
-                echo "Please install from your Linux distribution onto this system."
-            fi
+            numa_lib="${PREFIX}/lib/"
             if test "$ans" != "y" -a "$ans" != "yes" ; then

Reference material

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