How to create a Kivy 1-line input box

It seems that there was a way to do it on the official website, but I tried various things, but I asked on the site that teratel is not good at reading comprehension and is kind to beginners.

What is teratail

If you don't understand even after checking for 15 minutes, just ask here! I will answer!

A beginner-friendly site! Click here for the link

Questions I asked myself

You can get it from here.

Copy and paste the ** code of the person who immediately saw the question and answered it ** ** I was teaching the process of inputting only one line instead of multiple lines (event?) **, so I executed it.

If you try to type a letter and press Enter, ** no line breaks! ** **

However, if nothing is done, the frame will be displayed to fill the window.

kv file

I remembered the kv file.

A kv file is like ** CSS ** in HTML.

You can change the position and size of the object.

** You can write directly to the main file **, but you can only use it because it is cleaner to separate it. Suppose there is such a main file

from import App
from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout
from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput

class testApp(App):
    def build(self):
        layout = FloatLayout()
        ti = TextInput(text='Hello world', multiline=False)
        return layout

    def on_enter(self, ti):
        print("on_enter[%s]" % (ti.text))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Prepare a file called ** test.kv ** in the same directory (folder)

Contents is like this I wanted to write it in text, but it didn't work because of the symbols, so it's an image. bandicam 2017-03-12 23-26-38-187.jpg

If you execute the file by writing like this ...

** Dawn! ** ** 無題.png

It went well! This is one step forward! So it was a way to create a one-line input box and specify the location!

(* Thank you to those who answered with teratali!)

Version used this time

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