[LINE WORKS version Trello Bot] How to create a private talk room including a talk bot

Good evening, this is @ 0yan. I wrote the following articles about the LINE WORKS version of Trello Bot in the past.

** [Past Articles] **

  1. The story of making a LINE WORKS version of Trello Bot with Python
  2. Until deploy Trello Bot for LINE WORKS on Heroku
  3. [Note] Implementation of LINE WORKS version Trello Bot by Python (PyPI lineworks installation Ver.)

However, when I tried to make a Trello Bot dedicated to that section at the request of another department, I couldn't understand "What? How should I make a private talk room including a talk bot ...?" (In short) I forgot).

Perhaps those who read the above article will want to receive ** notifications of updates to the Trello board shared by specific members (you want to create a private talk room) **, so this time I'll read that article. I would like to write.


--LINE WORKS API information acquired (Reference: Preparation for API authentication) --Trello API information acquired (Reference: [Note] Trello Webhook related)



Creating a Trello Bot

Follow the same procedure as in past article 3

  1. Coding
  2. Deploy to Heroku via GitHub
  3. Create a Trello Webhook To do.

If the notification destination of the talk bot is a specific individual, it is OK if you enter the account ID of that individual in the Heroku environment variable "ACCOUNT_ID", but if the notification destination of the talk bot is a private talk room, do the following work I will.

When the notification destination of the talk bot is a private talk room

① Modify the source code

The code below is the code written in the above coding. Enter the account ID (~ @ domain name) of the member of the private talk room to be created in the element "Arbitrary account ID" in the list to be assigned to the variable ʻaccount_ids of create_room () . Also, enter the display name of the private talk room in the argument "Arbitrary talk room name" of the function talkbot.create_room ()to be assigned to the variableres of create_room () `.


# coding: utf-8

import os

from flask import Flask, abort, request
from lineworks.talkbot_api import TalkBotApi

app = Flask(__name__)
talkbot = TalkBotApi(

def index():
    return 'Start', 200

@app.route('/webhook', methods=['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST'])
def webhook():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return 'Start', 200
    elif request.method == 'HEAD':
        return '', 200
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        action_type = request.json['action']['display']['translationKey']
        if action_type == 'action_comment_on_card':
            card_name = request.json['action']['data']['card']['name']
            user_name = request.json['action']['memberCreator']['fullName']
            comment = request.json['action']['data']['text']
            message = user_name + "Commented.\n [card]" + card_name + "\n [Comment]" + comment
            return '', 200

@app.route('/create_room', methods=['GET'])
def create_room():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        account_ids = [
            "Any account ID",
            "Any account ID",
            "Any account ID",
            "Any account ID",
            "Any account ID"
        res = talkbot.create_room(account_ids=account_ids, title="Any talk room name (eg Trello Bot)")
        return res, 200

if __name__ == '__main__':
② Create a private talk room including Trello Bot and get a room ID

https://{Herokuのアプリ名}.herokuapp.com/create_room When you access the above URL, the room ID will be returned as an HTTP response (the following room ID will be displayed in the browser).

  "roomId": "123456"
③ Enter the room ID in the environment variable of Heroku

Enter the room ID obtained in ② in the environment variable "ROOM_ID" on Heroku. At this time, don't forget to delete the Heroku environment variable "ACCOUNT_ID".

④ Test

Try commenting on Trello's card. You will receive a Trello update notification with the talk room name specified in ②.

in conclusion

Thank you for visiting. I hope LINE WORKS will continue to grow!

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