Information extraction from EDINET XBRL files

I will write about the part that extracts information from the XBRL file that was postponed last time. In the following, we will proceed with the purpose of obtaining information on a specific account.

Reference material

What i did

  1. Obtain the label (name link) information that is the base that is not described in the taxonomy by submitter from the base link described in the .xsd file.

The name link contains the name of the account, and the display link contains information on the display order and the hierarchical structure of the items, and we will use that information to extract data. Also, when acquiring data in 1., it is necessary to go through the network, and since there are many nodes, it will waste a considerable amount of time if the extraction process is performed every time. In addition, since it will be common information regardless of the submitter, the data that has been extracted once has been saved and made available for reuse.

Reference code

Just like last time, it's just extracting the data, so it's not interesting at all. ..


# coding: utf-8

from xbrl import XBRLParser
import os, re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd
import urllib2

class XbrlParser(XBRLParser):
    def __init__(self, xbrl_filename):
        self.xbrl_filename = xbrl_filename
        self.base_filename = xbrl_filename.replace('.xbrl','')
    def parse_xbrl(self,namespaces):
        result = defaultdict(dict)
        label_file_name = self.base_filename+'_lab.xml'
        labels = ET.parse(label_file_name)
        # get enterprise taxonomy
        extended_labels = self.get_label_info(namespaces,labels)
        # get base link
        base_labels = self.get_base_label_info(namespaces)
        extended_labels = extended_labels.append(base_labels,ignore_index=True)
        result['labels'] = extended_labels
        return result

    def get_base_label_info(self,namespaces):
        base_file_path = os.getcwd()+'/base_labels/'
        if not os.path.exists(base_file_path):
        base_labels = None
        # get common taxonomy
        for link_base in self.get_link_base(namespaces):
            file_path = base_file_path + link_base.strip().split('/')[-1]
            if os.path.exists(file_path):
                tmp_base_labels = pd.read_csv(file_path)
                print 'creating ', link_base, 'base label data...'
                response = urllib2.urlopen(link_base)
                html =
                labels = ET.fromstring(html)
                labels = labels.findall('.//link:labelLink',namespaces=namespaces)[0]
                tmp_base_labels = self.get_label_info(namespaces,labels)
            if base_labels is not None:
                base_labels = base_labels.append(tmp_base_labels,ignore_index=True)
                base_labels = tmp_base_labels
        return base_labels

    def concat_dictionary(self,dict1,dict2):
        for key in dict1.keys():
            dict1[key] = dict1[key]+dict2[key]
        return dict1
    def get_facts_info(self):
        return(element_id, amount, context_ref, unit_ref, decimals)
        # parse xbrl file
        xbrl = XBRLParser.parse(file(self.xbrl_filename)) # beautiful soup type object
        facts_dict = defaultdict(list)
        #print xbrl
        name_space = 'jp*'
        for node in xbrl.find_all(name=re.compile(name_space+':*')):
            if 'xsi:nil' in node.attrs:
                if node.attrs['xsi:nil']=='true':
            facts_dict['element_id'].append(':','_') )
            facts_dict['amount'].append( node.string )
                        self.get_attrib_value(node, 'contextref') )
                        self.get_attrib_value(node, 'unitref') )
                        self.get_attrib_value(node, 'decimals') )
        return pd.DataFrame( facts_dict )
    def get_attrib_value(self, node, attrib):
        if attrib in node.attrs.keys():
            return node.attrs[attrib]
            return None
    def get_link_base(self,namespaces):
        label_file_name = self.base_filename+'.xsd'
        labels = ET.parse(label_file_name)        
        linkbases = labels.findall('.//link:linkbaseRef',namespaces=namespaces)

        link_base = []
        for link_node in linkbases:
            link_href = link_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}href']
            if '_lab.xml' in link_href and 'http://' in link_href:
        return link_base
    def get_label_info(self, namespaces,labels):
        return(element_id, label_string, lang, label_role, href)
        label_dict = defaultdict(list)
        #label_file_name = self.base_filename+'_lab.xml'
        #labels = ET.parse(label_file_name)
        for label_node in labels.findall('.//link:label',namespaces=namespaces):
            label_label = label_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}label']
            for labelArc_node in labels.findall('.//link:labelArc',namespaces=namespaces):
                if label_label != labelArc_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}to']:
                for loc_node in labels.findall('.//link:loc',namespaces=namespaces):
                    loc_label = loc_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}label']
                    if loc_label != labelArc_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}from']:
                    lang = label_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xml']+'}lang']
                    label_role = label_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}role']
                    href = loc_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}href']
                    label_dict['element_id'].append( href.split('#')[1].lower() )
                    label_dict['label_string'].append( label_node.text)
                    label_dict['lang'].append( lang )
                    label_dict['label_role'].append( label_role )
                    label_dict['href'].append( href )
        return pd.DataFrame( label_dict )

    def get_presentation_info(self, namespaces):
        return(element_id, label_string, lang, label_role, href)
        type_dict = defaultdict(list)
        label_file_name = self.base_filename+'_pre.xml'
        types = ET.parse(label_file_name)
        for type_link_node in types.findall('.//link:presentationLink',namespaces=namespaces):
            for type_arc_node in type_link_node.findall('.//link:presentationArc',namespaces=namespaces):
                type_arc_from = type_arc_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}from']
                type_arc_to = type_arc_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}to']
                matches = 0
                for loc_node in type_link_node.findall('.//link:loc',namespaces=namespaces):
                    loc_label = loc_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}label']
                    if loc_label == type_arc_from:
                        if '{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}href' in loc_node.attrib.keys():
                            href_str = loc_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}href']
                            type_dict['from_href'].append( href_str )
                            type_dict['from_element_id'].append( href_str.split('#')[1].lower() )
                            matches += 1
                    elif loc_label == type_arc_to:
                        if '{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}href' in loc_node.attrib.keys():
                            href_str = loc_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}href']
                            type_dict['to_href'].append( href_str )
                            type_dict['to_element_id'].append( href_str.split('#')[1].lower() )
                            matches += 1                    
                    if matches==2: break
                role_id = type_link_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}role']
                arcrole = type_arc_node.attrib['{'+namespaces['xlink']+'}arcrole']
                order = self.get_xml_attrib_value(type_arc_node, 'order')
                closed = self.get_xml_attrib_value(type_arc_node, 'closed')
                usable = self.get_xml_attrib_value(type_arc_node, 'usable')
                context_element = self.get_xml_attrib_value(type_arc_node, 'contextElement')
                preferred_label = self.get_xml_attrib_value(type_arc_node, 'preferredLabel')
                type_dict['role_id'].append( role_id )
                type_dict['arcrole'].append( arcrole )
                type_dict['order'].append( order )
                type_dict['closed'].append( closed )
                type_dict['usable'].append( usable )                
                type_dict['context_element'].append( context_element )
                type_dict['preferred_label'].append( preferred_label )
        return pd.DataFrame( type_dict )

    def get_xml_attrib_value(self, node, attrib):
        if attrib in node.attrib.keys():
            return node.attrib[attrib]
            return None
    def extract_target_data(self, df, element_id=None, label_string=None, \
                                lang=None, label_role=None, href=None):
        if element_id is not None:
            df = df.ix[df['element_id']==element_id,:]
        if label_string is not None:
            df = df.ix[df.label_string.str.contains(label_string),:]
        if lang is not None:
            df = df.ix[df['lang']==lang,:]
        if label_role is not None:
            df = df.ix[df.label_role.str.contains(label_role),:]
        if href is not None:
            df = df.ix[df['href']==href,:]
        return df
    def gather_descendant(self,df,parent):
        children = df.to_element_id.ix[df.from_element_id==parent]
        return children.append( children.apply(lambda x: self.gather_descendant(df, x)) )
    def get_specific_account_name_info(self,dat_fi,df_descendant):
        result = None
        for label_id in df_descendant.ix[:,0].values:
            if result is None:
                result = dat_fi.ix[dat_fi.element_id==label_id,:]
                result = result.append(dat_fi.ix[dat_fi.element_id==label_id,:], ignore_index=True)
        return result
def main(namespaces):
    base_path = os.getcwd()+'/xbrl_files/1301/'
    _dir = 'ED2014062400389/S10025H8/XBRL/PublicDoc/'
    xbrl_filename = base_path+_dir+'jpcrp030000-asr-001_E00012-000_2014-03-31_01_2014-06-24.xbrl'

    # get data
    xp = XbrlParser(xbrl_filename)
    print 'getting data...'
    xbrl_persed = xp.parse_xbrl(namespaces)
    print 'done'
    df_xbrl_facts = xbrl_persed['facts'] #Definition of amount and definition of document information
    df_xbrl_labels = xbrl_persed['labels'] #Name link information
    df_xbrl_presentation = xbrl_persed['presentation'] #Display link information

    # extract labels data
    df_xbrl_labels = xp.extract_target_data(df_xbrl_labels, lang='ja') 
    # De-duplication of labels data
    df_xbrl_labels = df_xbrl_labels.drop_duplicates()
    dat_fi = pd.merge(df_xbrl_labels, df_xbrl_facts, on='element_id',how='inner')
    # specify duration
    dat_fi_cyi = dat_fi.ix[dat_fi.context_ref=='CurrentYearInstant'] #As of the current period
    #Liquid asset element_Get id only
    parent = df_xbrl_labels.element_id.ix[df_xbrl_labels.label_string.str.contains(
                            '^current assets$')].drop_duplicates()
    print '\n',parent,'\n' #Liquid asset element_Show id
    # B/Get only information about S's current assets
    parent = 'jppfs_cor_currentassetsabstract'
    df_xbrl_ps_cbs = df_xbrl_presentation.ix[df_xbrl_presentation.role_id.str.contains('rol_ConsolidatedBalanceSheet'),:]
    #Recursively acquire the elements below the child elements of current assets
    df_descendant = xp.gather_descendant(df_xbrl_ps_cbs,parent).dropna() # delete nan
    #Get only information for a specific account
    df_fi_cyi_caa = xp.get_specific_account_name_info(dat_fi_cyi, df_descendant)
    #Show only label and amount information
    print df_fi_cyi_caa[['label_string','amount']].drop_duplicates()
if __name__=='__main__':
    namespaces = {'link': '',

The debris that was originally trying to parse the XBRL file using a package called python-xbrl remains, the information extraction from .xbrl is a bs4-based description, and the rest is an etree-based description. .. Also, since the attribute information acquired by python-xbrl is lowercase, the one acquired by etree is also lowercase accordingly. It's a fucking code, yes. .. Also, I think I can get the xml namespace all together somewhere, but I couldn't find where to extract it, so I created it manually. I want to make this area a little more efficient. ..


I don't understand the structure of the XBRL file properly, so I think there are many inefficiencies. .. If you notice something strange, I would appreciate it if you could comment.

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