[JAVA] [Android Studio] What to try when you get into error spitting hell


I've tried various things, but I would like people who end up throwing errors to try it. When I was developing an app in Android Studio before, I noticed that I shouldn't normally spit out ErrorLog, but it accumulates more and more at regular intervals. I investigated based on ErrorLog to investigate the cause in detail, and tried various things, but in the end it was not solved, ... At that time, I noticed the description that "cache may be bad", and it is strange to try it. It was a one-shot solution! !! !! If you notice it, it's a moment. If I didn't notice it, I would have been stuck in the swamp for the rest of my life, so I definitely have to share this with the app developers! I thought it was an article. I hope it helps someone ...

Things to do

  1. Select [Invalidate caches / Restart] from the [File] tab of Android Studio. menu

  2. Select [invalidate & Restart] in the dialog Dialog

  3. After rebooting, check if the error hell in question has recurred

(If you still can't solve it with 3, please try 4.5 below.)

  1. Select [invalidate] in the previous dialog
  2. Delete the entire .gradle / folder directly under the project
  3. Open Android Studio again

What do you think? I was able to solve it. Since the .gradle / folder is the folder that stores the cache that is temporarily created at Build, there is no problem because it will be created automatically at Build even if you delete it.

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