Easy usage memo of Anaconda (conda)


I couldn't find any good material (not too much information, not too little information) about how to use Anaconda (conda command), so I summarized it.

This article assumes that you have Anaconda installed.

You can check the installation with the following command.

$ conda --version
conda 4.8.2

What is Anaconda?

A collection of Python packages for data science --Supports over 1,500 packages --Supports both GUI and command line --Can be operated using the conda command

By using Anaconda, it is possible to easily build and switch the development environment without taking time to install the library.

Reference: https://www.creativevillage.ne.jp/72837

Notes on how to use Anaconda (conda command)

1. Building a virtual environment with conda

$ conda create --name my_notebook_env python=3.7 -y

-name my_notebook_env: The name of the virtual environment. You can set whatever you like. python = 3.7: Python version used in the virtual environment -y: Automatically respond to confirmation items with yes

2. Enable virtual environment

Enable virtual environment

$ conda activate my_notebook_env

Disable virtual environment

$ conda deactivate

Delete virtual environment

$ conda remove --name my_notebook_env --all

3. Installing libraries in a virtual environment

To install pandas

$ conda install pandas

To install jupyter

$ conda install jupyter

View a list of installed libraries

$ conda list

Example: Launch jupyter notebooks in a virtual environment

Activate the virtual environment and launch jupyter notebooks

$ conda activate my_notebook_env
$ jupyter notebook


With Anaconda, you can easily build and switch development environments! Also, if the environment is damaged, you can easily rebuild it, so you can rest assured!


Introducing Anaconda | Even More Python for Beginners

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