Installation and easy usage of pytest

Since I used pytest to implement the test code in python, I will summarize the introduction method and the minimum usage.

environment Mac OSX Python 3.7.7, pytest-6.1.2, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1

How to install pytest (installation)


$ pip install pytest

This completes the installation.

file organization

├── A
│   └──
└── B
    └── (If you want to execute them all at once, make sure that the file name is unique. ()

import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.getcwd())  #pytest sys the current directory.If you want to read the file in the current directory because it is not added to path, import os,Specified with import sys

def test_a():
    assert 6 == multiplication(2, 3)

def multiplication(x, y):
    return x * y

Test code execution method

When executing by folder


$ pytest test/A

You can also execute it for multiple folders at once from the upper level.


$ pytest test

When executing by file


$ pytest test/A/

Or move the directory


$ pytest

But it's okay.

If you run it and pass the test, it will look like this. (Green notation) スクリーンショット 2021-01-12 14.38.08.png

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