Pre-processing and post-processing of pytest

Pre-processing and post-processing of pytest

For each test item, test class, and entire test module (py file) with pytest How to write to perform pre-processing and post-processing.


Functions / methods to be used as targets for pre-processing / post-processing

--Each test function (test_ ~~) --setup_function (function) and teardown_function (function) --Each test method of the test class (test_ ~~ in the class) --setup_method (self, method) and teardown_method (self, method) --Whole test class (class Test ~~) --setup_class (cls) and teardown_class (cls)

Sample (when writing with xunit)

When writing with xunit

def setup_module(module):
    print("\n*** setup_module ***")

def teardown_module(moduloe):
    print("\n*** teardown_module ***")

def setup_function(function):
    print("\n=== setup_function ===")

def teardown_function(function):
    print("\n=== teardown_function ===")

def test_test1():

def test_test2():

class TestCase:
    def setup_class(cls):
        print("\n@@@ setup_class @@@")

    def teardown_class(cls):
        print("\n@@@ teardown_class @@@")

    def setup_method(self, method):
        print("\n--- setup_method ---")

    def teardown_method(self, method):
        print("\n--- teardown_method ---")

    def test_test3(self):

    def test_test4(self):

Execution result

Execution result

==================================== test session starts ====================================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.3, pytest-5.3.0, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /home/bskke1040/.pyenv/versions/3.6.3/bin/python3.6
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /mnt/c/Users/bskke1040.KMJP/Clouds/OneDrive/study/pytest
collected 4 items
*** setup_module ***

=== setup_function ===
=== teardown_function ===
=== setup_function ===
=== teardown_function ===
@@@ setup_class @@@

--- setup_method ---
--- teardown_method ---
--- setup_method ---
--- teardown_method ---

@@@ teardown_class @@@

*** teardown_module ***

===================================== 4 passed in 0.05s =====================================

Sample (when writing with fixture)

When writing with fixture

import pytest

def my_setup_module(request):
    print("\n######## my_setup_module ########")

    def my_teardown_module():
        print("\n######## my_teardown_module ########")

def my_setup_function(request):
    print("\n--- my_setup_function ---")

    def my_teardown_function():
        print("\n--- my_teardown_function ---")

def my_setup_class(request):
    print("\n***** my_setup_class *****")

    def my_teardown_class():
        print("\n***** my_teardown_class *****")

def my_setup_method(request):
    print("\n=== my_setup_method ===")

    def my_teardown_method():
        print("\n=== my_teardown_method ===")

def test_test1(my_setup_module, my_setup_function):

def test_test2(my_setup_module, my_setup_function):

class TestCase:
    def test_test3(self, my_setup_module, my_setup_class, my_setup_method):

        def test_test4(self, my_setup_module, my_setup_class, my_setup_method):

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