[VSCode] unable to import'google.cloud' What to do when pylint (import-error) does not recognize the Python import statement

When I wrote Python in VSCode, I got an import-error even though it was in the pip library, so I fixed it.


Create a Python virtual environment with virtualenvwrapper With pip in the virtual environment introduced in I have installed "google-cloud-datastore", but it is not recognized correctly by VS Code.

Launch the VS Code terminal

$ workon [Corresponding virtual environment name]

Even if I switch to the environment with the library as, the part of "from .. import ..." remains a red wavy line.

Open settings.json

Open "settings.json" from the screen below and go to edit.

File -> Preferences -> Settings
Or 「 ctrl + , 」

Open the settings with and open "Edit in settings.json" in the "Python> Auto Complete: Extra Paths" column.


Added to settings.json

First, log in to the virtual environment that contains the library with pip and find out the location of the python interpreter.

$ workon [Virtual environment name]
$ which python

Save the python interpreter path you wrote down by adding the following elements (ctrl + s).

    "workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile",
    "git.autofetch": true,
    "emmet.extensionsPath": "",
    "emmet.variables": {
        "lang": "ja",
        "charset": "UTF-8"
    "editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",
    "editor.tabSize": 2,
    "go.useLanguageServer": true,
    "python.autoComplete.extraPaths": [
    "python.pythonPath": "/home/[ubuntu username]/.virtualenvs/[Virtual environment name]/bin/python"

I was able to resolve it safely!


I use VSCode because it's easy to see and use, but I'm glad I was able to eliminate the incorrect grammar error display.

Future development is likely to progress.

This time it's over.

Reference: Linting | Python in Visual Studio Code

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