I have Python 3.9.0 installed on Mac Os, and when I check it with pyenv, it is displayed as 3.9.0.
$ python -V
When you enter
Python 3.8.5
Has been displayed. I should have installed and used Django at the end of the phrase, but for some reason it didn't start up.
I was in trouble
$ which python
When I confirmed it with, it started up with Python of Anaconda.
I wanted to match the versions of Python and Django to participate in the development, but I didn't want to uninstall it because I wanted to use Jupyter Lab in my production.
Commands that are useful in such cases but do not appear much even if you look them up
$ conda deactivate
You can quit Anaconda until you drop the terminal, and if you restart the terminal, Anaconda will be running again.
Also, I don't know the cause anyway, but I think it's a good command when you don't want to run it in the Anaconda environment now.
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