Environmental memo ⭐️Mac Book Pro(macOS Catalina) ⭐️Anaconda 4.9.2 ⭐️Python 3.8.5 ⭐️Jupyter Note book 6.1.6 ⭐️Pandas 1.1.5
Use Jupyter Notebook with Anaconda. When you run Pandas
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas' This section describes what to do if you get an import error and cannot execute.
If you are using Anaconda, it seems that pandas is installed from the beginning.
conda list | grep pandas
Install if not installed
conda install pandas
Update pandas
conda update pandas
Add the pandas library in Anaconda Navigator.
This is OK! !!
If you want to check the environment such as Anaconda or Python version, you can check it with the following command.
conda info
conda list | grep pandas
You can check the Jupyter version with the following command.
jupyter --version
You can check the Python version with the following command.
python --version
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