Why do you add a main ()-if statement in Python?

What is Python name?

ʻIf name == "main": ` One line that often appears in Python source code is You can get rid of it with "magic" What is it useful for?

For example, suppose you create a file called helloWorld.py.


def main():
    print("Hello Python!")

Earlier ʻIf name == There is no description of "main" `

$ python helloWorld.py
Hello Python!

The execution result is obtained. However, in this configuration, even if ʻimport` is done

>>> import helloWorld #At this point, "Hello Python!Is displayed
Hello Python!

So, I don't want to just import a Python file and try to reuse the main function, but the execution is selfish. Therefore

def main():
    print("Hello Python!")

# main()Insert one line before
if __name__ == "__main__":

The inside of this if statement is not executed when it is imported.

>>> import helloWorld

Why the import doesn't run

--If you do import hello World:

ʻIf name == In the variable nameof "__main__" Contains the module name of this Python file as a string. In other words The content ofname is the string" helloWorld "` It has become.

--If you run the program like python helloWorld.py:

Inside helloWorld.py The __name__ variable is the string" __main__ " Will be.


  1. Inside helloWorld.py, which was ʻimport helloWorld, The string will be name == "helloWorld" `.

  2. Inside the helloWorld.py that was python hello.py The string is __name__ == " __main__ ".

Therefore, it is possible to prevent it from moving without permission just by ʻimport`! That's why. Well, Python is deep. There is a lot of room for learning.

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