[RUBY] [Python version] Why can't you do object-oriented development in Java?


I bought "Why can't you do object-oriented development in Java" for object-oriented re-learning, but only in Java / Ruby [Official sample](http://gihyo.jp/book/2005/4- 7741-2222-X / support) wasn't there, so I created it in Python. (Please use it as a reference only. I am also a beginner.)

Up to Lesson 5 (rock-paper-scissors program)

Overall processing progress


from judge import *
from player import *
from tactics import *

#Instance generation of referee (Mr. Saito)
saito = Judge()

#Generation of player 1 (Mr. Murata)
murata_tactics = RandomTactics()
murata = Player("Mr. Murata",murata_tactics)

#Generation of player 2 (Mr. Yamada)
yamada_tactics = StoneOnlyTactics()
yamada = Player("Mr. Yamada",yamada_tactics)
# yamada = Player_STONE("Mr. Yamada")

#Start rock-paper-scissors with Mr. Murata and Mr. Yamada as players
saito.start_janken(murata, yamada)

Player class


class Player:

    #Constant representing rock-paper-scissors hand
    STONE = 0  #Goo
    SCISSORS = 1  #Choki
    PAPER = 2  #Par

    def __init__(self, name, tactics):
        self.name = name
        self.win_count = 0
        self.tactics = tactics

    #Put out the hand of rock-paper-scissors.
    def show_hand(self):
        hand = self.tactics.read_tactics()
        return hand

    #Hear the victory or defeat from the referee. If it wins, the argument result is true
    def notify_result(self,result):
        if (result):
            self.win_count += 1

    #Answer the number of times you have won.
    def get_win_count(self):
        return self.win_count

    #Answer your name.
    def get_name(self):
        return self.name

#Inherit child class creation
class Player_STONE(Player):
    def show_hand(self):
        return self.STONE

Judge class


class Judge:

    #Start rock-paper-scissors.
    def start_janken(self, player1, player2):
        #Declare the start of rock-paper-scissors
        print("[Starting rock-paper-scissors]\n")

        #Play rock-paper-scissors 3 times
        for cnt in range(3):
            #Show how many rounds
            print("【", (cnt + 1), "Round]")

            #Look at the player's hand to determine which one wins.
            winner = self.judge_janken(player1, player2)

            if (winner != None):
                #Show winner
                print("\n", winner.get_name(), "Won!\n")
                #Communicate results to winning players
                #In the case of a draw
                print("\n It's a draw!\n")

        #Declare the end of rock-paper-scissors
        print("[End of rock-paper-scissors]\n")

        #Determine the final winner
        final_winner = self.judge_final_winner(player1, player2)
        print(player1.get_win_count(), "versus", player2.get_win_count(), "so")
        if (final_winner != None):
            print(final_winner.get_name(), "Is the winner!\n")
            print("It's a draw!\n")

    #Look at the player's hand to determine which one wins.
    def judge_janken(self,player1, player2):
        winner = None

        hand_dict = {0: "STONE",
                     1: "SCISSORS",
                     2: "PAPER"}

        #Put out the player's hand
        player1hand = player1.show_hand()
        player2hand = player2.show_hand()
        player1hand_name = hand_dict[player1hand]
        player2hand_name = hand_dict[player2hand]

        #Show each hand
        print(f"{player1hand_name} vs. {player2hand_name} \n")

        #When player 1 wins
        if (player1hand_name == "STONE" and player2hand_name == "SCISSORS") or \
            (player1hand_name == "SCISSORS" and player2hand_name == "PAPER") or \
            (player1hand_name == "PAPER" and player2hand_name == "STONE") :
            winner = player1

        #When player 2 wins
        if (player1hand_name == "STONE" and player2hand_name == "PAPER") or \
            (player1hand_name == "SCISSORS" and player2hand_name == "STONE") or \
            (player1hand_name == "PAPER" and player2hand_name == "SCISSORS") :
            winner = player2

        #If neither is the case, a draw(Returns nil)
        return winner

    #Determine the final winner.
    def judge_final_winner(self,player1, player2):
        final_winner = None

        #Listen to the number of wins
        player1_win_count = player1.get_win_count()
        player2_win_count = player2.get_win_count()

        #Determine the winner
        if (player1_win_count > player2_win_count):
            final_winner = player1
        elif(player1_win_count < player2_win_count):
            final_winner = player2
            final_winner = None

        return final_winner

Strategy class


class RandomTactics():

    def read_tactics(self):

        # 0.0 or more 3.Get a random number as a decimal number less than 0
        random_num = rm.random()* 3.0
        if (random_num < 1.0):
          hand = Player.STONE
        elif (random_num < 2.0):
          hand = Player.SCISSORS
        elif (random_num < 3.0):
          hand = Player.PAPER

        #Return the determined hand as a return value
        return hand

#==I love Goo! ”Strategy class.
class StoneOnlyTactics():

  def read_tactics(self):
    #Be sure to put out a goo
    return Player.STONE

Lesson 6 (Old Maid program)

Card class


class Card():

    #A constant that represents the joker
    JOKER = 0
    #Constant representing spade
    SUIT_SPADE = 1
    #Constant representing a diamond
    #A constant that represents a club
    SUIT_CLUB = 3
    #Constant representing the heart
    SUIT_HEART = 4

    def __init__(self,suit,number):
        self.suit = suit
        self.number = number

    def getNumber(self):
        return self.number

    #Override toString function
    def toString(self):

        #In the case of JOKER
        if self.suit == 0:
            card_code = "JK"

        #Cards other than JOKER
            suit_dict = {"SUIT_SPADE":"S", "SUIT_DIAMOND":"D",
            number_dict = {1:"A", 2:"2", 3:"3", 4:"4", 5:"5",
                           6:"6", 7:"7", 8:"8", 9:"9", 10:"T", 11:"J", 12:"Q", 13:"K"}
            card_code = suit_dict[self.suit] + number_dict[self.number]

        return card_code

Hand class


import random as rm

class Hand():

    #Keep the card class as a list
    def __init__(self,list):
        self.hand = list

    #Add a card
    def add_card(self,card):

    #Draw a card (top)
    def pick_card(self):
        picked_card = self.hand.pop(0)
        return picked_card

    #Return the number of possessions
    def getNumberOfCard(self):
        return len(self.hand)

    #Shuffle your hand
    def shuffle(self):
        #Randomly remove cards and repeat the last addition
        number = self.getNumberOfCard()
        for i in range(number):
            pos = int(rm.random() * number)
            picked_card = self.hand.pop(pos)

    #Find the same number of cards and put them back in an array
    def find_same_number_card(self):

        same_cards = None

        #Get the number of the last added card
        last_added_card = self.hand[-1]
        last_added_card_num = last_added_card.number

        for index in range(len(self.hand)-1):

            card = self.hand[index]
            if card.number == last_added_card_num:

                #If the same card as the last added card is found
                #Store the found combination in sameCards and exit the loop
                same_cards = [self.hand.pop(-1),self.hand.pop(index)]

        return same_cards

    #Express the card in your hand as a character string.
    def toString(self):
        hand_cards = ""
        for card in self.hand:
            hand_cards += card.toString() + " "
        return hand_cards

Table class


class Table():

    def __init__(self):
        self.disposed_cards = []

    #Discard the card.
    def dispose_card(self,dispose_list):
        for card in dispose_list:

    #Express the discarded card as a character string.
    def toString(self):
        disposed_cards = ""
        for card in self.disposed_cards:
            disposed_cards += card.toString() + " "
        return disposed_cards

Player class


class Player():

    def __init__(self,name,hand,master,table):
        self.hand = hand
        self.name = name
        self.master = master
        self.table = table

    #Nominate your turn (your turn)
    def play(self,next_player):

        #Ask the next player to take out his hand
        next_hand = next_player.show_hand()

        #Draw a card from your opponent's hand
        picked_card = next_hand.pick_card()

        #Display the result of subtraction
        print(self.name, ":", next_player.name, "From", picked_card.toString(),"I pulled\n")

        #Add the drawn cards to your hand and discard the same number of cards

        #Find out if your hand is zero
        if self.hand.getNumberOfCard() == 0:
            #Declare the rise to the facilitator
            #Show your current hand
            print(self.name, ": The remaining hand",self.hand.getNumberOfCard(), "is\n")

    #Shuffle your hand to show
    def show_hand(self):
        if self.hand.getNumberOfCard() == 1:
        return self.hand

    #Receive the card
    def receive_card(self,card):

    #If you have the same card, throw it away
    def deal_card(self,card):

        #Add a card to your hand

        #Find the same card you just added
        same_cards = self.hand.find_same_number_card()

        #If the same card combination exists
        if (same_cards != None):
            #Discard the card to the table

    #Returns the player name
    def toString(self):
        return self.name

Master class


class Master():

    def __init__(self,player_list):
        self.player_list = player_list

    def prepare_game(self,hand):
        print("[Distribute cards]\n")

        #Shuffle playing cards

        #Get the number of playing cards
        number_of_cards = hand.getNumberOfCard()

        #Get the number of players
        number_of_players = len(self.player_list)

        for index in range(number_of_cards):

            #Draw one from the card
            card = hand.pick_card()

            #Deal cards to each player in turn
            player = self.player_list[index % number_of_players]

    #Start the game.
    def start_game(self):
        print("\n [Old Maid will start]\n")

        #Get the number of players
        count = 0
        while len(self.player_list) > 1:
            player_index = count % len(self.player_list)
            next_player_index = (count + 1) % len(self.player_list)

            #Acquiring a designated player
            player = self.player_list[player_index]
            #Get the next player
            next_player = self.player_list[next_player_index]

            #Nominate a player
            print("\n", player.name, "It's your turn--- ({})".format(count), "\n")
            count += 1

        #Exit the loop when the player goes up and there is only one left
        print("[Old Maid finished]\n")

    #Declare the rise.
    def declare_win(self,winner):
        #Player who went up
        print(winner.name, "Got up!\n")

        #Remove the raised player from the list

        #Show loser when there is only one player left
        if len(self.player_list) == 1:
            loser = self.player_list[0]
            print(loser.name, "Is defeated!\n")

    #Register the players who will participate in the game.
    def register_player(self,player):

Execution program


from card import *
from hand import *
from master import *
from player import *
from table import *

#Old Maid program.

#Generate 53 playing cards.
def create_trump():
    trump = Hand([])

    #Generate 13 cards for each suit
    for i in range(13):
        number = i + 1
        trump.add_card(Card("SUIT_CLUB", number))
        trump.add_card(Card("SUIT_DIAMOND", number))
        trump.add_card(Card("SUIT_HEART", number))
        trump.add_card(Card("SUIT_SPADE", number))

    #Creating a joker
    trump.add_card(Card(0, 0))

    return trump

#Generating facilitators
master = Master([])

#Field generation
field = Table()

#Player generation
murata = Player("Murata", Hand([]), master, field)
yamada = Player("Yamada", Hand([]), master, field)
saito = Player("Saito", Hand([]),master, field)

#Register player as facilitator

#Generate playing cards
trump = create_trump()

#Get ready for the game

#Start the game

Frameworkization (7 rows)

・ Since it was skipped, it is omitted. There are two points to be aware of:

Abstract class

-When creating an abstract class with python, it is necessary to import ABC (Abstract Base Classes) and inherit the abstract class. → Reference: ABC in Python-Abstract Classes and Duck Typing

Pass by value

· Must be passed by value when the table class returns table information


class FantanTable(Table):

    #Table created with numpy
    matrix = np.full((4,13),"..")

    def getCard(self):
        return self.matrix.copy()

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