I've built an environment to try using TensorFlow on mac, so my memo


Python Python 3.6.0 + pyenv-virtualenv Set by referring to Python3 TensorFlow environment construction (Mac and pyenv virtualenv). The following changes

** You need to enter the pyenv environment before importing tensorflow **

$ pyenv activate

** I left the imported packages to easy_install. ** ** The MAC had a GPU, but a CPU-only package was imported.

$ pip install tensorflow

Run on Atom

Use platformio-ide-terminal

$ pyenv activate
$ python test.py 

I was able to execute it.


I tried to check the style with linter-pylint, but I got angry at import. I couldn't do various things, so I'm doing a style check with flake8. I'm just starting to touch Python, so I'm still not sure. I will do it little by little.

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