Try using Bash on Windows 10 2 (TensorFlow installation)

Enable copy and paste at the command prompt

Move the mouse to the title part of the command prompt window, right-click and select "Properties" Check all the "Edit Options" checkboxes キャプチャ003.PNG

Python version check

$ python -V

Python 2.7.6 is installed キャプチャ001.PNG

Install Python virtual environment (pip)

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev


Use about 155 MB Enter "Y"

TensorFlow installation

$ sudo pip install --upgrade

TensorFlow operation check

Start python

$ python
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> sess = tf.Session()
>>> a = tf.constant(2)
>>> b = tf.constant(3)

Try using Bash on Windows 10 1 (

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