Try using Pillow on iPython (Part 3)

Pillow work flow (3)

  1. Load the image with
  2. Convert image to grayscale
  3. Gonyo Gonyo the image
  4. Save the image edited with


%pylab inline
from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont
img ='work-image/lena.jpg')
pl_img = np.array(img) ; plt.imshow( pl_img ) #display



#Convert to grayscale
gray_img = img.convert("L")

#Not the intended display
pl_img = np.array(gray_img) ; plt.imshow( pl_img ) #display

#File information display
print('size    : ', gray_img.size)
print('format  : ', gray_img.format) 
print('mode    : ', gray_img.mode) 
print('palette : ', gray_img.palette) 
print('info    : ', 

#I think I have to do this
import as cm
plt.imshow(pl_img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)


Well, this time it's filtering

Built-in filter

Start with the built-in filter


from PIL import ImageFilter, ImageOps


pl_img = np.array(gray_img.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)); plt.imshow(pl_img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)



#Contour extraction
pl_img = np.array(gray_img.filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR)); plt.imshow(pl_img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)



pl_img = np.array(filter_img = gray_img.filter(ImageFilter.EMBOSS)); plt.imshow(pl_img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)



#Minimum filter
pl_img = np.array(gray_img.filter(ImageFilter.MinFilter(5))); plt.imshow(pl_img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)


Own filter

I will write the theory later (Is it really written?)


#Detects vertical edges
flist =  [1,   1,  1,
          0,   0,  0,
         -1,  -1, -1]

flt = ImageFilter.Kernel((3, 3), flist, scale=1)
filter_img = gray_img.filter(flt)

pl_img = np.array(filter_img) ; plt.imshow(pl_img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)



#Detects horizontal edges
flist =  [1,   0, -1,
          1,   0, -1,
          1,   0, -1]
flt = ImageFilter.Kernel((3, 3), flist, scale=1)
filter_img = gray_img.filter(flt)

pl_img = np.array(filter_img) ; plt.imshow(pl_img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)



#4 Near proximity Laplacian
flist = [0,  1, 0,
         1, -4, 1,
         0,  1, 0]
flt = ImageFilter.Kernel((3, 3), flist, scale=1)
filter_img = gray_img.filter(flt)

pl_img = np.array(filter_img) ; plt.imshow(pl_img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)



#8 Near proximity Laplacian
flist = [1,  1, 1,
         1, -8, 1,
         1,  1, 1]
flt = ImageFilter.Kernel((3, 3), flist, scale=1)
filter_img = gray_img.filter(flt)

pl_img = np.array(filter_img) ; plt.imshow(pl_img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)'work-image/filter05-lena.png') 



#8 Example of using the nearby Laplacian
flist = [0.4,  0.4, 0.4,
         0.4, -2.2, 0.4,
         0.4,  0.4, 0.4]
flt = ImageFilter.Kernel((3, 3), flist, scale=1)
filter_img = gray_img.filter(flt)

pl_img = np.array(filter_img) ; plt.imshow(pl_img, cmap = cm.Greys_r)


↓ I gave a notebook to nbviewer (this is the main one)

↓ Click here for the working environment Pillow environment construction --Virtual environment by virtualenv, interactive environment by iPython --Qiita

Try using Pillow on iPython (Part 1) --Qiita

Try using Pillow on iPython (Part 2) --Qiita

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