[RUBY] Automate your work with Rake


Preface (Introduction)

There is rake as a Ruby version of make and ant. This will be processed automatically according to the description in Rakefile.

This time, I would like to make the work easier by creating a Rakefile that automates the process up to Git's" add-commit-pull-push ".


Rakefile basics

A typical Rakefile is


task :default do
  system 'rake -T'

desc 'hello NAME'
task :hello do
  name = ARGV[1]
  puts "Hello #{name}!"

When executed with this Rakefile

> rake
-> rake hello # hello NAME

> rake hello Wor
Hello Wor!

I was able to automate the work wonderfully.

Git automation

Now automate the work up to "add ~ push" in Git.

First, automate the pull of Git. Using the function system that invokes the system command,


desc 'git pull'
task :pull do
  p comm = "git pull origin main"
  system comm

You can run it with the following command.

> rake pull

Next, the Rakefile that automates the work up to" add ~ push "of Git, which is the main purpose of this time, is


desc 'git push'
task :push do
  p comm = "git add -A"
  system comm
  p comm = "git commit -m \'hoge\'"
  system comm
  p comm = "git pull origin main"
  system comm
  p comm = "git push origin main"
  system comm

However, if nothing is done, a large number of "hoge" commit messages will be committed.

Allows you to change the commit message yourself.


require 'colorize'
desc 'git push'
task :push do
  msg = ARGV[1]
  p comm = "git add -A"
  system comm
  comm = "git commit -m \'" + msg + "\'"
  puts comm.green
  system comm
  p comm = "git pull origin main"
  system comm
  p comm = "git push origin main"
  system comm

You can run it with the following command.

> rake push

Reference material

Chart type ruby-appendix-IV (rake)

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