[SWIFT] Check your internet connection with Alamofire


When making an API request with Alamofire, it was necessary to throw an error if the terminal was not connected to the Internet. It is a summary of what I investigated at that time.

Use NetworkReachabilityManager

Alamofire has a class called `` `NetworkReachabilityManager``` by default. This time, use that to check the connection status. Reference

How to use

Part ① Solid The amount of code is small, but it is hard to read

import Alamofire
if let isConnected = NetworkReachabilityManager()?.isReachable, !isConnected {

Part 2 Define a class Easy to see

import Alamofire
class ConnectCheck {
    func isConnectedNetwork() -> Bool {
        return NetworkReachabilityManager()?.isReachable ?? false

When to use

if ConnectCheck.isConnectedNetwork {
} else {

It was like this.

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