Normalizing Flow theory and implementation


I implemented Normalizing Flow, which is one of the variational inference methods, so I will leave it here as a memorandum. We will start with Bayesian linear regression so that we can cover the entire flow, and then we will explain step by step why variational inference is required and how Normalizing Flow performs variational inference. Although it is a Normalizing Flow, it can also be used as a generative model in addition to variational inference. GAN and VAE are famous as generative models, but Normalizing Flow belongs to a different flow-based generative model. The paper on Normalizing Flow is here. The implemented code is posted on GitHub.

Bayesian linear regression

Let's start with the story of Bayesian linear regression. As a recap, in normal linear regression, the predicted value $ \ boldsymbol y $ is output for the observed data $ \ boldsymbol x $ as shown below. $ \ Boldsymbol \ theta $ is a parameter and corresponds to the slope of a line in the case of simple regression. $\boldsymbol y=\boldsymbol \theta^T\boldsymbol x \tag{1}$ However, since the actual value contains noise, in order to model such ambiguity, we assume a Gaussian distribution with mean $ \ boldsymbol y $ and covariance $ I $ as follows. (For example, when measuring temperature, the value obtained by the equipment error of the thermometer contains noise, so it is an image that expresses the noise by the variance of the Gaussian distribution.) $p(\boldsymbol y \mid \boldsymbol x,\boldsymbol \theta)=\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol y\mid \boldsymbol \theta^T\boldsymbol x, I) \tag{2}$ Here, in order to perform regression prediction for unobserved data using the above equation, it is necessary to determine the optimum parameter $ \ boldsymbol \ theta $. From here, we take a Bayesian-specific approach, but in Bayes, the parameter $ \ boldsymbol \ theta $ is regarded as a probability distribution and determined. That is, the probability distribution $ p (\ boldsymbol \ theta) of the optimal parameter $ \ boldsymbol \ theta $ from the data $ \ boldsymbol X ^ {(train)} $ and $ \ boldsymbol y ^ {(train)} $ already at hand \ mid \ boldsymbol X ^ {(train)}, \ boldsymbol y ^ {(train)}) Determine $. (The non-Bayesian approach finds the optimal parameter $ \ boldsymbol \ theta $ as one deterministic value rather than a probability distribution. In that case, a method called maximum likelihood estimation is used, resulting in a least squares method. ) $ P (\ boldsymbol \ theta \ mid \ boldsymbol X ^ {(train)}, \ boldsymbol y ^ {(train)}) To find , use the following Bayes' theorem. $ p(\boldsymbol \theta \mid \boldsymbol X^{(train)},\boldsymbol y^{(train)})= \cfrac{p(\boldsymbol y^{(train)} \mid \boldsymbol X^{(train)}, \boldsymbol \theta)p(\boldsymbol \theta)}{p(\boldsymbol y^{(train)} \mid \boldsymbol X^{(train)})} \tag{3} $$ $ p (\ boldsymbol \ theta \ mid \ boldsymbol X ^ {(train)}, \ boldsymbol y ^ {(train)}) $ is called the posterior distribution, and once the posterior distribution is obtained, the following formula is used. You can use it to calculate the regression prediction $ \ boldsymbol y ^ {(new)} $ for unknown data $ \ boldsymbol X ^ {(new)} . (Although it looks complicated, I will not use these formulas directly this time, so please read it lightly.) $ p(\boldsymbol y^{(new)}\mid \boldsymbol X^{(new)}, \boldsymbol y^{(train)}, \boldsymbol X^{(train)})= \int p(\boldsymbol y^{(new)}\mid \boldsymbol X^{(new)},\boldsymbol \theta) p(\boldsymbol \theta \mid \boldsymbol y^{(train)}, \boldsymbol X^{(train)}) d\boldsymbol \theta $$ Let's return to the story and take a closer look at Bayes' theorem (3) in order to find the posterior distribution. First, the numerator $ p (\ boldsymbol y ^ {(train)} \ mid \ boldsymbol X ^ {(train)}, \ boldsymbol \ theta) $ is called likelihood, and has already been modeled by equation (2). Since it is already done, it can be calculated. Similarly, $ p (\ boldsymbol \ theta) $ appearing in the numerator of equation (3) is called a prior distribution, which is modeled by the designer based on prior knowledge of the distribution of $ \ boldsymbol \ theta $. I will. (There are rules for how to choose, but it is not a mistake to choose any probability distribution such as Gaussian distribution or uniform distribution.)

Finally, $ p (\ boldsymbol y ^ {(train)} \ mid \ boldsymbol X ^ {(train)}) , which is called evidence or marginal likelihood, is calculated from the following equation. $ p(\boldsymbol y^{(train)} \mid \boldsymbol X^{(train)})= \int p(\boldsymbol y^{(train)} \mid \boldsymbol X^{(train)}, \boldsymbol \theta)p(\boldsymbol \theta)d\boldsymbol \theta \tag{4} $$ It is possible to calculate this equation analytically with a simple model such as linear regression, but it becomes difficult to calculate the integral when the model becomes complicated. The method used there is variational inference. (There are other approximation methods such as the Monte Carlo method.)

Variational reasoning

Avoiding the exact calculation of marginal likelihood analytically, we try to approximate the posterior distribution $ p (\ boldsymbol z \ mid \ boldsymbol x) $ that we want to find directly by the probability distribution $ q (\ boldsymbol z) $. The idea is variational reasoning. (To match the notation in the paper, the parameter $ \ boldsymbol \ theta $ that has appeared so far is described as $ \ boldsymbol z $.) As an example of variational inference, there is a method of decomposing the probability distribution by assuming the independence of the distribution for the approximate posterior distribution $ q (\ boldsymbol z) . This method is called mean-field approximation, and assumes the shape of the approximate posterior distribution as shown in the following equation. $q(\boldsymbol z)=\prod_{i} q(\boldsymbol z_i) \tag{5}$$ Then, optimization is performed to make this probability distribution $ q (\ boldsymbol z) $ close to the true posterior distribution $ p (\ boldsymbol z \ mid \ boldsymbol x) $. Optimization of variational inference involves a slightly difficult expression transformation, so to conclude first, maximize the loss function ELBO (Evidence Lower Bound) $ \ mathcal {L} (\ boldsymbol {x}) $ in the following equation. It optimizes by doing. $ \mathcal{L}(\boldsymbol{x})=\int q(\boldsymbol z)\ln \frac{p(\boldsymbol x, \boldsymbol z)}{q(\boldsymbol z)}d\boldsymbol z \tag{6} $ From here, ELBO will be derived, but you can skip it. First, the original purpose is to find an approximate posterior distribution $ q (\ boldsymbol z) $ that maximizes the evidence $ p (\ boldsymbol x) $, which is the probability of data generation. Maximizing $ p (\ boldsymbol x) $ is the same as maximizing the logarithm of $ \ ln p (\ boldsymbol x) $, so consider the latter for simplicity. The following formula is obtained by proceeding with the calculation for $ \ ln p (\ boldsymbol x) $.

\ln p(\boldsymbol x)=\ln \int p(\boldsymbol x, \boldsymbol z)d\boldsymbol z\\
=\ln \int q(\boldsymbol z)\frac{p(\boldsymbol x, \boldsymbol z)}{q(\boldsymbol z)}d\boldsymbol z\\
\geq \int q(\boldsymbol z)\ln \frac{p(\boldsymbol x, \boldsymbol z)}{q(\boldsymbol z)}d\boldsymbol z \\
= \mathcal{L}(\boldsymbol{x})

Here is the transformation of the formula in the (3) stage, but it was calculated using Jensen's inequality. As you can see from this formula, the lower bound of $ \ ln p (\ boldsymbol x) $ is ELBO $ \ mathcal {L} (\ boldsymbol {x}) $. I will omit the details, but since maximizing the ELBO is equivalent to minimizing the KL divergence of the target posterior distribution and the approximate posterior distribution, this task can be reduced to ELBO maximization.

Returning to the story, suppose that the approximate posterior distribution $ q (\ boldsymbol z) $ can be obtained by solving the optimization problem. However, in the first place, there is a problem with the assumption of Eq. (5). By assuming independence as in Eq. (5), the correlation existing between variables cannot be considered, and the probability distribution becomes poorly expressive, making it impossible to express the true posterior distribution. .. Normalizing Flow is one of the variational reasoning methods that solves this problem of lack of expressiveness.

Normalizing Flow Normalizing Flow is a complex distribution $ q_k (\ boldsymbol z_k) by superimposing a non-linear transformation $ f $ on a random variable $ \ boldsymbol z $ that follows a simple probability distribution (Gaussian distribution, etc.) $ q (\ boldsymbol z) $. ) The idea is to get $. <img src=" ", width="100%"> Source: L.Weng. ["Flow-based Deep Generative Model" (

Let's take a closer look. Equations (7) and (8) are obtained by applying the nonlinear transformation $ f $ to the random variable $ \ boldsymbol z $ that follows the probability distribution $ q (\ boldsymbol z) . The derivative that appears on the right side here is the Jacobian. det means determinant. However, in the end, the Jacobian and det calculations can be done manually, so you don't have to think hard. $\boldsymbol z'=f(\boldsymbol z)\tag{7}$ $q'(\boldsymbol z')=q(\boldsymbol z)\left| \det \frac{\partial f}{\partial \boldsymbol z'}\right|^{-1} \tag{8}$ By repeating this non-linear transformation multiple times, the probability distribution becomes more complex and expressive. $ \boldsymbol z_k=f_k\circ \cdots \circ f_2 \circ f_1(\boldsymbol z_0) \tag{9} $ $ q_k(\boldsymbol z_k)=q_0(\boldsymbol z_0)\prod_{k=1}^{K} \left| \det \frac{\partial f_k}{\partial \boldsymbol z_{k-1}}\right|^{-1} \tag{10} $$ How to select the nonlinear function $ f_k $ is OK if it is a bijective function, that is, a nonlinear function that can calculate the inverse function. In the paper, two types of nonlinear function $ f_k $, planar flow and radial flow, are introduced. Here, we will explain only the planar flow.

planar flow is the following function. $ \ boldsymbol u, \ boldsymbol w, and b $ are parameters, and their values are updated by learning. $ h $ is the activation function and uses tanh. $ f(\boldsymbol z)=\boldsymbol z + \boldsymbol u h(\boldsymbol w^T \boldsymbol z + b) \tag{11} $ The Jacobian determinant can be calculated as follows by using the function of the above equation. $ \left| \det \frac{\partial f(\boldsymbol z)}{\partial \boldsymbol z}\right| =\left| 1+\boldsymbol u^T \psi(\boldsymbol z)\right| \tag{12} $ However, $ \ psi (\ boldsymbol z) $ is calculated from the following equation. $ \psi(\boldsymbol z)=h'(\boldsymbol w^T \boldsymbol z+b)\boldsymbol w \tag{13} $ This makes it possible to calculate equation (10), and the probability distribution after conversion can be obtained. $ q_k(\boldsymbol z_k)=q_0(\boldsymbol z_0)\prod_{k=1}^{K} \left| 1+\boldsymbol u_k^T \psi_k(\boldsymbol z_k)\right|^{-1} \tag{13} $ Equation (13) is implemented in planar flow, but you can see that the calculation cost is very small (just calculate the inner product of the vectors and take the reciprocal of the absolute value).

Next, we optimize the probability distribution obtained by Eq. (13) to approach the true posterior distribution. As mentioned earlier, variational inference optimizes by maximizing ELBO. We will manually calculate the ELBO formula for Normalizing Flow.

\int q(\boldsymbol z)\ln \frac{p(\boldsymbol x, \boldsymbol z)}{q(\boldsymbol z)}d\boldsymbol z\\
=\mathbb{E}_{q(\boldsymbol z)}[\ln p(\boldsymbol x, \boldsymbol z) - \ln q(\boldsymbol z)]\\
=\mathbb{E}_{q_k(\boldsymbol z_k)}[\ln p(\boldsymbol x, \boldsymbol z_k) - \ln q(\boldsymbol z_k)]\\
\sim \sum_{l=1}^{L}[\ln p(\boldsymbol{x}, \boldsymbol{z_k^{(l)}})-\ln q(\boldsymbol{z_k^{(l)}})]

The sum that appears at the end of the formula is the sum of the L sample random variables contained in the mini-batch (subscript $ l). $ Means the $ l $ th sample). When implementing, minimizing is more convenient than maximizing, so the following equation, which is ELBO multiplied by a minus, is minimized. $ -\mathcal{L}(\boldsymbol{x})=\sum_{l=1}^{L}[\ln q(\boldsymbol{z_k^{(l)}}) - \ln p(\boldsymbol{x}, \boldsymbol{z_k^{(l)}})] \tag{15} $ This is the end of the explanation of the theory. The rest is the implementation.

Execution environment

Python 3.7.5 TensorFlow 1.15.0


Implement by TensorFlow. As with the paper, the problem setting is the Gaussian distribution as the initial distribution, and the target distribution is reproduced by superimposing the nonlinear transformation by the planar flow. (The left is the Gaussian distribution, which is the initial distribution, and the center and right are the target distributions).

First, we will implement it from the planar flow. When calculating the loss function, $ \ ln q_k (\ boldsymbol z_k) $ is required, so it is calculated here.

class PlanarFlow:
    def __init__(self, dim):
        self.dim = dim
        self.h = lambda x: tf.tanh(x)
        self.h_prime = lambda x: 1 - tf.tanh(x)**2
        self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.truncated_normal(shape=(1, self.dim)))
        self.b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(1)))
        self.u = tf.Variable(tf.random.truncated_normal(shape=(1, self.dim)))

    def __call__(self, z, log_q):
        z = z + self.u*self.h(tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(z*self.w, -1), -1) + self.b)
        psi = self.h_prime(tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(z*self.w, -1), -1) + self.b)*self.w
        det_jacob = tf.abs(1 + tf.reduce_sum(psi*self.u, -1))
        log_q = log_q -  tf.log(1e-7 + det_jacob)
        return z, log_q

Next, a Normalizing Flow is constructed by stacking K planar flows.

class NormalizingFlow:
    def __init__(self, K, dim):
        self.K = K
        self.dim = dim
        self.planar_flow = [PlanarFlow(self.dim) for i in range(self.K)]

    def __call__(self, z_0,log_q_0):
        z, log_q = self.planar_flow[0](z_0,log_q_0)
        for pf in self.planar_flow[1:]:
            z, log_q = pf(z, log_q)
        return z, log_q

Then, the loss function (15) is calculated as follows. Here, target_density calculates the target probability distribution. The optimization method is also decided here. Use Adam to perform optimizations to minimize the loss function. Also define a function to get the placeholder.

def calc_loss(z_k, log_q_k, target_density):
    log_p = tf.log(target_density.calc_prob_tf(z_k)+1e-7)
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(log_q_k - log_p, -1)
    return loss

def get_train(loss):
    return tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(loss)

def get_placeholder():
    z_0 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 2])
    log_q_0 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None])
    return z_0,log_q_0

Build a computational graph using the above classes and functions.

normalizing_flow = NormalizingFlow(K=16, dim=2)

z_0,log_q_0 = get_placeholder()
z_k, log_q_k = normalizing_flow(z_0,log_q_0)
loss = calc_loss(z_k, log_q_k, target_density)
train = get_train(loss)

Learning is performed using the stochastic gradient descent method. The mini-batch has 1000 samples and the number of learnings is 100,000.

with tf.Session() as sess:
    invisible_axis = True

    for iteration in range(100000+1):
        z_0_batch = normal_distribution.sample(1000)
        log_q_0_batch = np.log(normal_distribution.calc_prob(z_0_batch))
        _, loss_value =[train, loss], {z_0:z_0_batch, log_q_0:log_q_0_batch})

The result is here. You can see that the complex distribution is sampled correctly, starting from the Gaussian distribution. <img src=" ", width=33%> <img src=" ", width=33%><img src=" ", width=33%>

All implementations

Finally, a summary of all implementations is listed below. There are three types:,, and is a file for building a computational graph and executing training, is a file for defining a model and a loss function for constructing a computational graph, and finally is a sampling of probability distribution. It is a file that has a function to calculate the probability. I will also post the file on GitHub.

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from distribution import *
from normalizing_flow import *

normal_distribution = NormalDistribution2D()
target_density = TargetDistribution1()

normalizing_flow = NormalizingFlow(K=16, dim=2)

z_0,log_q_0 = get_placeholder()
z_k, log_q_k = normalizing_flow(z_0,log_q_0)
loss = calc_loss(z_k, log_q_k, target_density)
train = get_train(loss)

with tf.Session() as sess:
    invisible_axis = True

    for iteration in range(100000+1):
        z_0_batch = normal_distribution.sample(1000)
        log_q_0_batch = np.log(normal_distribution.calc_prob(z_0_batch))
        _, loss_value =[train, loss], {z_0:z_0_batch, log_q_0:log_q_0_batch})
        if iteration % 100 == 0:
            print('Iteration : {}   Loss : {}'.format(iteration, loss_value))
        if iteration % 10000 == 0:
            z_k_value =, {z_0:z_0_batch, log_q_0:log_q_0_batch})
            plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
            plt.scatter(z_k_value[:, 0], z_k_value[:, 1], alpha=0.7)
            if invisible_axis:

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def get_placeholder():
    z_0 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 2])
    log_q_0 = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None])
    return z_0,log_q_0

def calc_loss(z_k, log_q_k, target_density):
    log_p = tf.log(target_density.calc_prob_tf(z_k)+1e-7)
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(log_q_k - log_p, -1)
    return loss

def get_train(loss):
    return tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(loss)

class PlanarFlow:
    def __init__(self, dim):
        self.dim = dim
        self.h = lambda x: tf.tanh(x)
        self.h_prime = lambda x: 1 - tf.tanh(x)**2
        self.w = tf.Variable(tf.random.truncated_normal(shape=(1, self.dim)))
        self.b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(1)))
        self.u = tf.Variable(tf.random.truncated_normal(shape=(1, self.dim)))

    def __call__(self, z, log_q):
        z = z + self.u*self.h(tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(z*self.w, -1), -1) + self.b)
        psi = self.h_prime(tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(z*self.w, -1), -1) + self.b)*self.w
        det_jacob = tf.abs(1 + tf.reduce_sum(psi*self.u, -1))
        log_q = log_q -  tf.log(1e-7 + det_jacob)
        return z, log_q

class NormalizingFlow:
    def __init__(self, K, dim):
        self.K = K
        self.dim = dim
        self.planar_flow = [PlanarFlow(self.dim) for i in range(self.K)]
    def __call__(self, z_0,log_q_0):
        z, log_q = self.planar_flow[0](z_0,log_q_0)
        for pf in self.planar_flow[1:]:
            z, log_q = pf(z, log_q)
        return z, log_q

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class Distribution:    
    def calc_prob(self, z):
        p = np.zeros(z.shape[0])
        return p

    def plot(self, size=5):
        side = np.linspace(-size, size, 1000)
        z1, z2 = np.meshgrid(side, side)
        shape = z1.shape
        z1 = z1.ravel()
        z2 = z2.ravel()
        z = np.c_[z1, z2]
        probability = self.calc_prob(z).reshape(shape)
        plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))

class NormalDistribution2D(Distribution):
    def sample(self, sample_num):
        z = np.random.randn(sample_num, 2)
        return z

    def sample_tf(self, sample_num):
        z = tf.random_normal([sample_num, 2])
        return z

    def calc_prob(self, z):
        p = np.exp(-(z[:, 0]**2+z[:, 1]**2)/2)/(2*np.pi) 
        return p

    def calc_prob_tf(self, z):
        p = tf.exp(-(z[:, 0]**2+z[:, 1]**2)/2)/(2*np.pi) 
        return p

class TargetDistribution1(Distribution):
    def calc_prob(self, z):
        z1, z2 = z[:, 0], z[:, 1]
        norm = np.sqrt(z1**2+z2**2)
        exp1 = np.exp(-0.5*((z1-2)/0.6)**2)
        exp2 = np.exp(-0.5*((z1+2)/0.6)**2)
        p = 0.5*((norm - 2)/0.4)**2 - np.log(exp1 + exp2)
        return np.exp(-p)

    def calc_prob_tf(self, z):
        z1, z2 = z[:, 0], z[:, 1]
        norm = tf.sqrt(z1**2+z2**2)
        exp1 = tf.exp(-0.5*((z1-2)/0.6)**2)
        exp2 = tf.exp(-0.5*((z1+2)/0.6)**2)
        p = 0.5*((norm - 2)/0.4)**2 - tf.log(exp1 + exp2)
        return tf.exp(-p)

class TargetDistribution2(Distribution):
    def calc_prob(self, z):
        z1, z2 = z[:, 0], z[:, 1]
        w1 = np.sin(0.5*np.pi*z1)
        p = 0.5*((z2 - w1)/0.4)**2
        return np.exp(-p)
    def calc_prob_tf(self, z):
        z1, z2 = z[:, 0], z[:, 1]
        w1 = tf.sin(0.5*np.pi*z1)
        p = 0.5*((z2 - w1)/0.4)**2
        return tf.exp(-p)


[1] Ian.Goodfellow,, "Deep Learning". [2] C.M. Bishop, "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning". [3] C.M. Bishop, "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning". [4] Atsushi Suyama, "Introduction to Machine Learning by Bayesian Inference".

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