[Ruby on Rails] Add / Remove Columns

Add column

Execute the command with rails g migration add_ column name you want to add_to_ table name of the addition destination.

For example, if you want to add a column for user_id to the posts table, it will be as follows.

$ rails g migration add_user_id_to_posts

Modify the contents of the migration file (db/migrate) created by this. Since the change method has already been defined, write add_column: table name to add to,: column name to add,: its data type in it.

def change 
  add_column :posts, :user_id, :integer

Then run rails db: migrate. Only when you run it will the table change.

$ rails db:migrate

You have successfully added a column.

Delete column

Execute the command with rails g migration remove_ column name you want to remove_to_ table name to remove column.

For example, if you want to delete the user_id column in the posts table, it will be as follows.

$ rails g migration remove_user_id_to_posts

Run rails db: migrate after modifying the contents of the migration file as you would add a column.

def change 
  remove_column :posts, :user_id, :integer
$ rails db:migrate

You have successfully deleted the column.

If you want to empty the database once at the initial stage of development after changing the column, execute the following command.

$ rake db:migrate:reset

The database will be empty.

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