When I started making bots with Discord after a long time, I misunderstood that I could not send a message unless I got the channel ID and specified it. ~~ Accidental product (although intended) ~~
First check the existence of the file If there is, store the read channel ID in a variable If not, go through as it is / setup Channel ID If the channel ID is correct, a success message will be sent to the specified channel. /save Save the channel ID to a text file with
People who specify channels so that the bot does not move on various channels may be useful when changing the channel that moves the bot. ~~ If you don't care, use message.channel ~~
client = discord.Client()
@client.event async def on_ready(): print("logged in as "+client.user.name) try: with open("test.txt","r")as f: channel=client.get_channel(int(f.read())) await channel.send("I was able to load the channel ID") except FileNotFoundError: print("Could not get the channel ID")
@client.event async def on_message(message): global tmp if message.author != client.user: if message.content.startswith("/setup")==True: tmp=message.content[7:len(message.content)] try: channel=client.get_channel(int(tmp)) except ValueError: print("Illegal value") try: await channel.send("success") except AttributeError: print("Wrong channel ID") except UnboundLocalError: print("Illegal type") if message.content=="/save": f=open("test.txt","w") f.write(tmp) f.close() channel=client.get_channel(int(tmp)) await channel.send("I saved the channel ID") client.run("token")
## Commentary
### File loading
with open("test.txt","r")as f:
await channel.send("I was able to load the channel ID")
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Could not get the channel ID")
If the file does not exist, try except is used to handle the error. Of course, since it is read from a text file, it is also necessary to convert from a character string to a numerical value, so int () is also used.
if message.content.startswith("/setup")==True:
except ValueError:
print("Illegal value")
await channel.send("success")
except AttributeError:
print("Wrong channel ID")
except UnboundLocalError:
print("Illegal type")
/ setup Channel ID
Extract only the channel ID part with `client.get_channel (int (tmp))`
Store the channel ID in the channel
~~ I don't know how to handle the error, but I put it in ~~
if message.content=="/save":
await channel.send("I saved the channel ID")
~~ ```open (" save file "," type ")` `` I remember this properly, but if I remember w of write and r of read, it will be somehow () ~~ It shouldn't be difficult here because it's mainly just writing and reading files.
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