Save only the first column of each row as col1.txt and the second column as col2.txt. Use the cut command for confirmation.
package main
import (
func main() {
//Specify the read file
name := "../hightemp.txt"
w1name := "col1.txt"
w2name := "col2.txt"
//Open the file to read
f, err := os.Open(name)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("os.Open: %#v\n",err)
defer f.Close() //Crease at the end
//Create a save file for the first column
w1, err := os.Create(w1name)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("os.Open: %#v\n",err)
defer w1.Close() //Crease at the end
//Create a second column save file
w2, err := os.Create(w2name)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("os.Open: %#v\n",err)
defer w2.Close() //Crease at the end
//Create a scanner library
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
//Read one line of data
for scanner.Scan() {
//Split by TAB
clm := strings.Split(scanner.Text(),"\t")
w1.WriteString(clm[0] + "\n")
w2.WriteString(clm[1] + "\n")
//Check if there was an error
if err = scanner.Err(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("scanner.Err: %#v\n",err)
#Open the file to read
with open("../hightemp.txt", "r") as r:
#Open the first export file
with open("col1.txt", "w") as w1:
#Open the second export file
with open("col2.txt", "w") as w2:
#Read line by line
for data in r:
#Arrange TAB by delimiter
col = data.strip().split("\t")
#1 item col1.Export to txt
w1.writelines(col[0] + "\n")
#2 items col2.Export to txt
w2.writelines(col[1] + "\n")
//Module loading
var fs = require("fs");
var col1 = [];
var col2 = [];
//Read a text file
var col = fs.readFileSync("../hightemp.txt", 'utf-8');
//Split a string with a line break
var data = col.split('\n');
//Line count loop
data.forEach(function( value ) {
//Divide items by TAB
val = value.split('\t')
//Push data to each array
// col1.txt , col2.Output text concatenated with line breaks to txt
The Close processing of Go and Python is neat and good. Deeper Python indentation.
Javascript changed to synchronous processing. Does asynchronous wait somewhere? This is all written in buffer processing.
3 The source is not refreshing when processing files.