Automatically save .py and .html files in Jupyter notebook.


I am creating a programming summary note with jupyter notebook, but I want to save a good-looking (or rather, viewable without starting from the terminal) html file at the same timing as the automatic save of jupyter notebook.

Referenced site

IPython and Jupyter Notebooks: Automatically Export .py and .html

Source code

Create the following code under ~ ./. Jupyter /.

# Based off of

import io
import os
from notebook.utils import to_api_path

_script_exporter = None
_html_exporter = None

def script_post_save(model, os_path, contents_manager, **kwargs):
    """convert notebooks to Python script after save with nbconvert
    replaces `ipython notebook --script`
    from nbconvert.exporters.script import ScriptExporter
    from nbconvert.exporters.html import HTMLExporter

    if model['type'] != 'notebook':

    global _script_exporter
    if _script_exporter is None:
        _script_exporter = ScriptExporter(parent=contents_manager)
    log = contents_manager.log

    global _html_exporter
    if _html_exporter is None:
        _html_exporter = HTMLExporter(parent=contents_manager)
    log = contents_manager.log

    # save .py file
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(os_path)
    script, resources = _script_exporter.from_filename(os_path)
    script_fname = base + resources.get('output_extension', '.txt')"Saving script /%s", to_api_path(script_fname, contents_manager.root_dir))
    with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:

    # save html
    base, ext = os.path.splitext(os_path)
    script, resources = _html_exporter.from_filename(os_path)
    script_fname = base + resources.get('output_extension', '.txt')"Saving html /%s", to_api_path(script_fname, contents_manager.root_dir))
    with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
c.FileContentsManager.post_save_hook = script_post_save

Save it, launch jupyter notebook normally, and make sure the script is saved. :)


If you don't need .py, comment out the script.

Thank you to the website administrator !!!

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