[R] [Python] Memo to read multiple csv files in multiple zip files


I encountered a scene where I wanted to read multiple csv files stored in multiple zip files under a certain folder at once, so I made a note.

Folder configuration example

When the folder structure is like this, I want to read the csv files in each zip file at once and store them in the list.

    ┣ zip_files/
    ┃         ┣ test1.zip/
    ┃         ┃         ┣  test1_1.csv
    ┃         ┃         ┣  test1_2.csv
    ┃         ┃            ...
    ┃         ┣ test2.zip/
    ┃         ┃         ┣  test2_1.csv
    ┃         ┃         ┣  test2_2.csv
    ┃                      ...

R code

You can access the files inside without opening the zip with the unzip and unz functions. I wanted to add it to the list as an append of python, but I wasn't sure, so I compromised below.


zip_list <- list.files("zip_files")

# function of read csv files in zip files 
get_csv <- function(zip_list){  
  csv_list <- list()
  zip_lists <- list()
  # Loop through the list of files
  for(j in 1:length(zip_list)) { 
    # Create list of files
    file <- unzip(paste0("zip_files/", zip_list[j]), list = TRUE) 
    for(i in 1:length(file)){
      # If a file is a csv file, unzip it and read the data
      if(grepl("csv", file[i,1])) {

        print(paste0('reading following file...', file[i,1]))
        csv_files <- read_csv(unz(paste0("zip_files/", zip_list[j]), file[i,1]), 
        # Add Some process.
        csv_list[[i]] <- csv_files
        zip_lists[[j]] <- csv_list

system.time(csvs <- get_csv(zip_list))

Python code

The zipfile module allows you to access the inside without unzipping the zip file. Since enumerate returns the index and element of the object to be turned by the for statement, it is convenient when adding some processing. (In the example below, it is the same even if it is not used)

import os
import zipfile
import glob
import pandas as pd
import time

df_list = list()
start = time.time()

for i, zips in enumerate(zip_list):
    zip_f = zipfile.ZipFile(zips)  
    file_list = zip_f.namelist() # file names of csv files in zip
    for j, files in enumerate(file_list):
        print('reading following file...' + zips + '/' + files)
        df = pd.read_csv(zip_f.open(files))
        # Add Some process.
        # If use i and j too.

elapsed_time = time.time() - start
print ("elapsed_time:{0}".format(elapsed_time) + "[sec]")

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