Virtualenv does not work on Python3.5 (Windows)

The contents are almost all by the entry name, but I will explain it briefly.

Let's take a quick look at Python Django, so let's proceed by referring to Introduction to Python Django.

Anyway, I like the latest version, so I installed Python 3.5 without observing what was written. virtualenv ... Hum Hum Virtual environment

pip install virtualenv


virtualenv DEST_DIR

Will create a virtual environment directory. It looks like it's going well so far, but it's not really working.

DEST_DIR/Script/activate.bat DEST_DIR/Script/deactivate.bat

Since there is no such file, the next step, the virtual environment, cannot be launched.

Therefore, you can use venv as described in the latter half of Introduction to Python Django. It seems essential to use venv without installing virtualenv.

python -m venv DEST_DIR

I have not tried it if it is not a Windows environment.

But what is it, should I use direnv? I will devote myself ...

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