I participated in Tochigi Ruby Conference 09 remotely, and the LT I saw there I can't ask you anymore! How to use Struct and future possibilities I learned about the Struct class for the first time. What made this so convenient! So I decided to write an article as an enlightenment. I've been touching Ruby for 10 years, but I still have discoveries. Nice! ~~ Just not learning ?? ~~
Ruby 2.7.0 Reference Manual Struct Class
Structure class. Struct.new will generate a new subclass of this class. Individual structs are generated from subclasses using Struct.new. Each structure subclass defines access methods for the members of the structure.
A convenient struct class that makes it easy to create objects with properties (and methods) of any name
#Generate a subclass of Struct with 4 parameters
BreakwaterClub = Struct.new(:id, :name, :grade, :age)
#Create an instance of the generated subclass
bucho = BreakwaterClub.new(1, 'kuroiwa', 3)
#The created instance has a parameter name accessor method
p bucho.name
#=> "kuroiwa"
bucho.age = 17
#The age that was not set at the time of initialization is set
p bucho
#=>#<struct BreakwaterClub id=1, name="kuroiwa", grade=3, age=17>
# keyword_init:By specifying true, keyword arguments can be passed at initialization.
#Keyword arguments are easier to understand, but the number of characters is large, so you can choose which one to use.
BreakwaterClub = Struct.new(:id, :name, :grade, :age, keyword_init: true)
hina = BreakwaterClub.new(name: 'tsurugi', grade: 1)
Arrays and Hash that are often used when writing small processes in Ruby. I also use it when organizing while outputting processing that I haven't been able to organize in my head yet.
bucho = [1, 'kuroiwa', 3]
bucho[0] #=>1
bucho[1] #=>'kuroiwa'
bucho[2] #=>3
# Hash
bucho = {id: 1, name: 'kuroiwa', grade: 3}
bucho[:id] #=>1
bucho[:name] #=>'kuroiwa'
bucho[:grade] #=>3
I'm grateful for this because when I define it in Hash, I don't notice it even though it's Typo, and there is something like "Why doesn't it work ... it should match ...".
senpai = BreakwaterClub.new(name: 'ohno', grade: 2)
senpai[:height] #=>NameError (no member 'height' in struct)
senpai.height #=>NoMethodError
#You can refer to it even if you do not define it as Hash
senpai[:height] #=>nil
In other words, you can think of it as upward compatible.
natsumi = BreakwaterClub.new(name: 'hodaka', grade: 1)
#It can be accessed like an array. The order of indexes is`Struct.new`In the order defined in
natsumi[0] #=>nil
natsumi[1] #=>'hodaka'
#Can be accessed like Hash
natsumi[:id] #=>nil
natsumi[:grade] #=>1
#Can be converted to an array or a Hash
natsumi.to_a #=>[nil, "hodaka", 1, nil]
natsumi.to_h #=>{:id=>nil, :name=>"hodaka", :grade=>1, :age=>nil}
Method can be defined by specifying a block at the time of Struct.new
BreakwaterClub = Struct.new(:id, :name, :grade, :age, keyword_init: true) do
def gakunen
# `Struct.new`It is also possible to create a subclass that inherits the Struct class generated in
Class BreakwaterClub < Struct.new(:id, :name, :grade, :age, keyword_init: true)
def gakunen
It seems deprecated to define a subclass that inherits the Struct class itself. I still don't understand a little well here. Since the inheritance source Struct class is a dynamically generated anonymous class, I think it is due to indefiniteness.
-What's wrong with inheriting from an anonymous class (Ruby) -[Fail when loading more than once on irb](https://ja.stackoverflow.com/questions/11734/irb%e3%81%a72%e5%9b%9e%e4%bb%a5%e4%b8 % 8aload% e3% 81% 99% e3% 82% 8b% e3% 81% a8% e5% a4% b1% e6% 95% 97% e3% 81% 99% e3% 82% 8b) --Document quote below
If you specify a block
If a block is specified in Struct.new, the block is evaluated with the defined Struct as the context. The defined Struct is also passed to the block parameter.
Customer = Struct.new(:name, :address) do def greeting "Hello #{name}!" end end Customer.new("Dave", "123 Main").greeting # => "Hello Dave!"
> This method is recommended when customizing Struct. This is because anonymous classes may no longer be used when customizing by creating subclasses of anonymous classes.
> [SEE_ALSO] [Class.new](https://docs.ruby-lang.org/ja/latest/method/Class/s/new.html)
## Summary
The Struct class is convenient. I think it's a Ruby-like class with a wide variety of description methods.
### Struct class summary
--Structure class that can define arbitrary parameters and methods
--Accessible like an array or Hash, and type conversion is also possible
--An error will occur if the parameter name is not specified at the time of initialization (it will be `nil` if it is Hash).
### When is it convenient to use?
――When it's done with an array or Hash, but it's better to define it as a Class
――When you want to write a little code and do verification
--When you don't have enough ideas to define a Class
――When you want to test via API that you can't hit with it
I haven't tried it yet, but I felt that it could be used even when testing with Rails Rspec.
You can feel free to try irb, so if you are interested, please try it.
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