Asynchronous processing (threading) in python

import threading
import time
import sys
def f():
Processing you want to do asynchronously
This time, the number of seconds is displayed every second.
    i = 1
    while True:
        i += 1

th = threading.Thread(target=f,name="th",args=())
#Creation of thread th Method to be performed by target,The name of the thread in name,Specify arguments with args
#Set th to daemon. When the main thread terminates, the daemon thread also terminates
#Start thread

#Accepts character input, ends if a
#Since it is the main thread, when this ends, the daemon thread th also ends.
while True:
    c =
    if c == 'a':

I am creating a thread called th that displays the number of seconds every second. Exit when'a'is entered.

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