[JAVA] My Eclipse Tips

If you feel like it, put it together properly

What I did to optimize

Customize shortcuts

Set shortcut keys from Preference> General> Keys. You can register by pressing the binding of the target Command (behavior) and entering the specified key binding.

Tab switching

The next tab and previous tab are now the same command + Shift + {or} as Chrome. The tab movement of the editor progresses.

Character zoom

For some reason I could do Zoom out (command +-) but not Zoom in. This is also Command + Shift + + (not typo) like Chrome.


On mac, the default command + space is Spotlight search. I personally use this for a long time, so I chose option + space.

Auto-completion settings

With reference to https://qiita.com/yuukieiu/items/bc8179873b859e3c7741, I modified it so that auto-completion appears in other than.

Convenient shortcut

Shortcuts not listed below should be set by yourself. Reference: How to operate the next tab and the previous tab with shortcuts in eclipse on Mac

Screen movement system

I learned from https://javaworld.helpfulness.jp/post-70/.

command + F6 Move tabs in the same view

command + F7 Move view

command + F8 Perspective switching

command + F12 Start debugging

Editor system

command + shift + F Code format

command + shift + O Auto import completion

command + shift + R File search

Ctrl + H Search and replace across files

command + E Tab movement / search. Since it does not move even if the key is released, the behavior is different from command + F6.

command + 1 Display error messages and display correction candidates

command + / Insert comment

option + command + J Insert Javadoc comment

ctrl + M Maximize the editor (return it again)

F3 To various definition sources

command + [ Backward History. Used to return from the definition source jump.

command + ] Forward History. The opposite of ↑. ・

Create a new project

FIle > New (command + option + N) > Spring Starter Project


https://qiita.com/saitoxu/items/6b1458f62780781e09b7 https://qiita.com/arai-wa/items/c2eb7387b5bf37b4ace4

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