[JAVA] Eclipse --Springboot


Put STS in Eclipse

Install Spring Tools 4

--Find STS4 in the Eclipse market and press install
image.png --Press Confirm
image.png --Select "I accept the terms of the Terms of Use" and press Finish
image.png --Press Restart Now to restart Eclipse

View Eclipse perspective

--Select "Window-> Perspective-> Open Perspective-> Other" from the menu
image.png --Select Spring and press Open
image.png --Select Spring from the perspective

Project creation

--Select the menu "File-> New-> Spring Starter Project" --Press Next
image.png --Add a dependency and press Finish
image.png --Wait for dependency import
image.png --If you get an unknown error in the first line of pom.xml, add the version specification of maven plugin.


            <!--Add the line below-->  

Operation check

Create a Controller


package com.example.demo;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;

public class HelloContoller {

	public String hello() {
		return "hello";

Create HTML


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Spring demo</title>

Select "Run-> Spring boot application" from the toolbar execution to access "http: // localhost: 8080"


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