[JAVA] Test private methods in JUnit


  1. Create an instance of the implementation class
  2. Create an instance of the private method
  3. Allow access to private methods
  4. Pass the implementation class instance and method arguments to the instantiated method

Sample code


private String privateMethod(String message) {
	return "Input: " + message;


public void privateMethodTest() {

	// 1.Create an instance of the implementation class
	TargetClass targetClass = new TargetClass();

	// 2.Create an instance of a private method
	Method privateMethod = TargetClass.class.getDeclaredMethod("privateMethod", String.class);

	// 3.Allow access to private methods

	// 4.Pass the implementation class instance and method arguments to the instantiated method
	String actual = (String) privateMethod.invoke(targetClass, "Oh my god.");
	String expected = "Input: Oh my god.";

	// Assert
	assertEquals(expected, actual);

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