[JAVA] Test API often used in AssertJ


――Assertion of JUnit5 is excellent, but I dare to AssertJ ――Write only what you usually use --Since Map is not used, there is no verification. --Do not verify only String or int

Operating environment

--Java8 (Forgive me because it's my work environment ...)

The source is here

Original class system

Recursively validate fields of objects

ʻUsing RecursiveComparison` prevents instance comparisons in nested class validation

Recursively validate fields of void objects() {
    String studentIdentifier = generateUUID();
    String tutorIdentifier = generateUUID();
    Lesson actual = new Lesson(
        new Student(new StudentIdentifier(studentIdentifier), new StudentName("studentName")),
        new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutorIdentifier), new TutorName("tutorName")));
    Lesson expected = new Lesson(
        new Student(new StudentIdentifier(studentIdentifier), new StudentName("studentName")),
        new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutorIdentifier), new TutorName("tutorName")));

Multiple at once

void Do not end verification in the middle() {
    String studentIdentifier = generateUUID();
    String tutorIdentifier = generateUUID();
    Lesson actual = new Lesson(
        new Student(new StudentIdentifier(studentIdentifier), new StudentName("studentName")),
        new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutorIdentifier), new TutorName("tutorName")));
    SoftAssertions softAssertions = new SoftAssertions();

Collection system


void size verification() {
    List<String> actual = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");

All elements

Verification error will occur if all Tuple Iterable elements generated by extracting are not included.

void Verification of all elements() {

    //Generate the first lesson
    String student1Identifier = generateUUID();
    String tutor1Identifier = generateUUID();
    Lesson lesson1 = new Lesson(
            new Student(new StudentIdentifier(student1Identifier), new StudentName("student1")),
            new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutor1Identifier), new TutorName("tutor1")));

    //Generate a second lesson
    String student2Identifier = generateUUID();
    String tutor2Identifier = generateUUID();
    Lesson lesson2 = new Lesson(
            new Student(new StudentIdentifier(student2Identifier), new StudentName("student2")),
            new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutor2Identifier), new TutorName("tutor2")));

    Lessons actual = new Lessons(Arrays.asList(lesson1, lesson2));
            //Verification of all values, any order
                    new Lesson(new Student(new StudentIdentifier(student2Identifier), new StudentName("student2")), new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutor2Identifier), new TutorName("tutor2"))),
                    new Lesson(new Student(new StudentIdentifier(student1Identifier), new StudentName("student1")), new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutor1Identifier), new TutorName("tutor1"))));


void Order verification() {
    //Generate the first lesson
    String student1Identifier = generateUUID();
    String tutor1Identifier = generateUUID();
    Lesson lesson1 = new Lesson(
            new Student(new StudentIdentifier(student1Identifier), new StudentName("student1")),
            new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutor1Identifier), new TutorName("tutor1")));

    //Generate a second lesson
    String student2Identifier = generateUUID();
    String tutor2Identifier = generateUUID();
    Lesson lesson2 = new Lesson(
            new Student(new StudentIdentifier(student2Identifier), new StudentName("student2")),
            new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutor2Identifier), new TutorName("tutor2")));

    //Generate a third lesson
    String student3Identifier = generateUUID();
    String tutor3Identifier = generateUUID();
    Lesson lesson3 = new Lesson(
            new Student(new StudentIdentifier(student3Identifier), new StudentName("student3")),
            new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutor3Identifier), new TutorName("tutor3")));

    Lessons actual = new Lessons(Arrays.asList(lesson1, lesson2, lesson3));

            //Verification of all values
                    new Lesson(new Student(new StudentIdentifier(student1Identifier), new StudentName("student1")), new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutor1Identifier), new TutorName("tutor1"))),
                    new Lesson(new Student(new StudentIdentifier(student2Identifier), new StudentName("student2")), new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutor2Identifier), new TutorName("tutor2"))),
                    new Lesson(new Student(new StudentIdentifier(student3Identifier), new StudentName("student3")), new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(tutor3Identifier), new TutorName("tutor3"))));

Some values

Extract and validate some values of a void object() {
    //Generate the first lesson
    Lesson lesson1 = new Lesson(
            new Student(new StudentIdentifier(generateUUID()), new StudentName("student1")),
            new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(generateUUID()), new TutorName("tutor1")));

    //Generate a second lesson
    Lesson lesson2 = new Lesson(
            new Student(new StudentIdentifier(generateUUID()), new StudentName("student2")),
            new Tutor(new TutorIdentifier(generateUUID()), new TutorName("tutor2")));

    Lessons actual = new Lessons(Arrays.asList(lesson1, lesson2));
            //Decompose the elements of Iterable to create a new Tuple Iterable
                    lesson -> lesson.student().name().value(),
                    lesson -> lesson.tutor().name().value())
            //Verification of all values, any order
                    //Validated with Tuple
                    Tuple.tuple("student2", "tutor2"),
                    Tuple.tuple("student1", "tutor1"));


Is it the correct exception?

I dare to use ʻassertThatExceptionOfType`,

receive a void exception() {
            .isThrownBy(() -> {
                throw new IOException("IOException Message");
            .withMessage("%s Message", "IOException")

I wrote only Nullpo

void Nullpo only() {
    Assertions.assertThatNullPointerException().isThrownBy(() -> { throw new NullPointerException("Nullpo"); })
            .withMessage("Nullpo%s", "Gat")


Let's add if something is used frequently Please comment if you have any recommendations

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