[RUBY] Gem often used in Rails
(Still scratching)
I wrote down a gem that I often use in Rails.
My favorite Rails version is 5.2.x.
- config (Write the settings for each environment in YAML)
- haml-rails (use Haml as the view description language)
- boostrap (CSS framework Bootstrap)
- font-awesome-sass (using Font Awesome)
- activerecord-session_store (Save Rails session to ActiveRecord)
- gretel (Breadcrumb trail management)
- enum_help (I18N conversion of enum)
- rails-i18n (locale data for each language)
- auto_strip_attributes (ActiveRecord attributes string stripped or nil)
- email_validator (email address validation)
- whenever (write schedule to crontab, good to combine with Capistrano)
- kaminari (pagination)
- kaminari-bootstrap (pagination)
- redcarpet (convert Markdown to HTML)
- activeresource (communication with applications with RESTful APIs like Rails)
- pry-rails (debug)
- pry-doc (debug)
- pry-byebug (debug)
- pry-stack_explorer (debug)
- rspec-rails (use RSpec with Rails)
- factory_bot_rails (Use FactoryBot in Rails)
- database_clearner (used in combination with RSpec. Clean up the database used in the test)
- timecop (controls the clock for time related tests)