Setting to make the scale and label of the figure easy to see even in the dark theme with google Colaboratory

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・ People who use dark themes in google colaboratory but are having trouble seeing the scales and labels in the figure.

google colaboratory dark theme

The standard theme is dull, but the dark theme is cool. It's motivating and easy on the eyes even at night. WS000013.JPG


However, there is one drawback. That is, the scales and labels on the figure are crushed. Let's plot 50 randomly random scatter plots.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
a = np.random.rand(50)
b = np.random.rand(50)

WS000010.JPG can not see... The reason is that the background of the scale and label part is a transparent image, so it is difficult to see the characters of the same color as the background image.


Let's add the text below.


import seaborn as sns

This is the same



Then WS000011.JPG It looked beautiful. If you do not include sns.set (), the label and scale will be transparent images even if you are seaborn, so be careful.

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