Here's a summary of things that might be useful when dealing with complex numbers in Python

I usually write a quantum computer simulator in Python. For that reason, I use complex numbers very often.

Python and numpy also support complex numbers, so it's not too much trouble, but there are some traps, so I will summarize them.

The basics of complex numbers in Python

This is the one you normally find in the reference. Lightly review.

The imaginary unit is 1j and the type is complex

Mathematics often uses i for the imaginary unit, while Python uses 1j. (In fields such as electricity, I have seen that the imaginary unit is set to j because i is used for electric current, but I do not know anything else in other fields.)

You can also write something like 2j or 1.23j. (Normally means twice as much as 1j, 1.23 times) Whereas 1 and 1. have different types, 1j and 1.j are both the same.

ʻA + b * 1. jcan also be written ascomplex (a, b)`, where a and b are floats.

Take the real and imaginary parts with .real, .imag and take the complex conjugate with conjugate ()

(1 + 2j) .real is 1, (1 + 2j) .imag is 2. Note that we don't add () as it is not a method. Complex conjugates use .conjugate (), such as (1 + 2j) .conjugate (). Since this is a method, () is required. By the way, .real, .imag, conjugate () can actually be used for float and int.

numpy can also be used normally

Even with numpy, you can use complex numbers normally, such as np.array ([1 + 2j, 3, 4j, 5 + 6.7j]). At this time, dtype defaults to'complex128'. .real, .imag, .conjugate () can also be used for numpy arrays. Also, in numpy, you can use .conj () instead of .conjugate ().

In addition, it is necessary to use .conj (). T to take the Hermitian conjugate of the matrix, which is a little troublesome. With np.matrix, it was possible with .H. It doesn't seem to be in np.array.

cmath instead of math

Use ʻimport cmath instead of ʻimport math. Whereas the function of math takes a domain or range as a real number, cmath also contains a complex number in the domain or range. See Official Documentation for details.

There are also useful functions such as phase () to find the argument of a complex number, polar () to return a tuple of radius and declination, and rect () to create a complex number from radius and declination. ..

Precautions when dealing with complex numbers in Python

I will write some traps and how to deal with them.

If it can be a complex number, make the numpy array in advance with a complex number

Python implicitly converts the type without writing the type yourself, but in numpy, the array has a type, and the type of the array does not change arbitrarily. (The same is true if the int array does not become a float)

a = np.array([1., 2.]) #dtype is float64
a *= 1j
# UFuncTypeError: Cannot cast ufunc 'multiply' output from dtype('complex128') to dtype('float64') with casting rule 'same_kind'

To prevent this from happening Specify the type from the beginning like np.array ([1., 2.], dtype = np.complex128), or It is necessary to include complex numbers from the beginning like np.array ([1 + 0j, 2.], dtype = np.complex128).

The inner product of complex vectors is np.vdot instead of

This is really a trap.

The inner product of the complex vector is the sum of the product of the complex conjugate of $ u $ and the product of each component of $ v $, such as $ u \ cdot v = \ sum_ {i = 1} ^ n u_i ^ * v_i $. Is normal, but in, the sum of the products of each component is taken as it is without taking the complex conjugate. If you really need to use, use the complex conjugate yourself. On the other hand, if you use np.vdot, you can get the inner product properly even if it is a complex vector.

Obviously, complex numbers cannot be compared in size.

Obviously for anyone working with complex numbers in other languages. Complex numbers cannot be compared.

More precisely, it is not possible to compare the magnitude of "complex type", so even if the programmer knows that the calculation result is a real number, if it is a complex number type for the computer, it cannot be compared. It must be a real number, such as .real.

There seems to be no efficient way to "square the absolute value" of a complex array

Since np.abs internally calculates something likesqrt (real ** 2 + imag ** 2), it is wasteful to square it. On the other hand, if you write a calculation like ʻarr.real ** 2 + arr.imag ** 2` on the Python side, it will not be calculated in-place, resulting in wasted memory allocation. I've checked it before, but StackOverflow says that numba can be used -of-complex-numpy-ndarray). It seems that there is no surprising way to do it without unnecessary square root extraction in-place with only Python and numpy.

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