[Python] Introduction to web scraping | Summary of methods that can be used with webdriver

[Python] Introduction to web scraping | Summary of methods that can be used with webdriver

List of major methods available in webdriver for selenium module

** ■ Methods that can be used without specifying elements ** --get (opens the specified page) --back --forward --refresh --current_url (get current URL) --title (Get page title) --page_source (Get page source) --close (closes the current window) --quit (close all windows) --maximize_window

** ■ Element specification method **

** ▼ 1 element **

** ▼ Multiple elements **

** ■ Method used in combination with element specification ** --click (click an element) --send_keys (text input) --getText --get_attribute --is_enabled (determines if the element is enabled) --is_selected (whether the element is selected)

How to use

Install webdriver for selenium module.

Used as a set with webdriver.Chrome ('chromedriver.exe'). (* The chromedriver.exe file is in the same hierarchy as the source code)


from selenium import webdriver
browser = webdriver.Chrome('chromedriver.exe')

### ■ Methods that can be used without specifying elements Execute for browser object.

Example: browser.get (https: // ~) └ Open the specified URL

### ■ Method of element specification Example: `browser.find_element_by_id ('headline')` └ Get the element that contains the specified element └ In the above example id ='headline'
### ■ Method used in combination with element specification Example 1: `driver.find_element_by_id ('btn'). click ()` └ Execute method for specified element └ In the above example, click the element with id ='btn'

Example 2: driver.find_element_by_id('useName').send_keys("myname") └ In the above example, enter "myname" in text in the element of id ='useName'

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