File types that can be used with Go

In Go, ** extension .go is a Go source file **. The file type that Go recognizes is decided.

Also, ** _test.go ** at the end when creating a file that describes a test is treated specially as one of the file types that Go recognizes.

Extension .go

Go source file

Extensions .c, .h

C source file

Extensions .cc, .cpp, .cxx, .hh, .hpp, .hxx

C ++ source file

Extension .m

Objective-C source file

Extensions .s, .S

Assembler source file

Extensions .swig, .swigcxx

A file that defines SWIG

Extension .syso

A system object file


These are used when working with other programming languages. Each has a special role in Go. I would like to experience when and where to use it!

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