List packages that can be updated with pip

List installed packages of pip

You can view the list of installed packages with pip list or pip freeze. However, if you add an option, you can also display a list of updatable packages and a list of the latest packages. This is convenient if you want to update installed packages in bulk.

A long time ago, I had to use the pip-review command of pip-tools, so it's convenient to be able to do it with the pip option.

** List of updatable packages **

$ pip list -o
google-api-python-client (1.5.0) - Latest: 1.5.1 [wheel]
Pillow (3.1.1) - Latest: 3.2.0 [sdist]
pytz (2015.7) - Latest: 2016.4 [wheel]

Options are -o or --outdated.

** Latest package list **

$ pip list -u
pip (8.1.2)
ujson (1.35)
wheel (0.29.0)

Options are -u or --uptodate.

Bulk update of updatable packages

If everything is up to date and there is no problem, the following is OK.

$ pip list -o | awk '{print $1}' | xargs pip install -U

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