Our team uses Trello to manage the tasks that everyone has to do. (Tasks are listed on the card, personal names are listed on the checklist, and ☑ is added to those who have completed the task)
Your boss must open Trello every time and open each card to see the progress. Absolutely troublesome. And with Trello Alert, you can send a slack notification when you change or create a new card, add ☑ to the list, etc., but every time you add ☑, you will be notified and you can see the completed and incomplete people in the list. Is not. Basically, notifications pollute slack's channels (in my opinion). And it's annoying that you can't see it in the list.
Then, let's make an app that notifies people who have not completed the task on a regular basis (as long as it does not pollute the channel). And if you do, let's implement it using AWS. I came up with the idea and tried to make it.
The rough development flow is
① Hit Trello's API ② Write code ③ Implemented on AWS lambda ④ Trigger Event Bridge (CloudWatch Events) ⑤ Create a Slack app ⑥ Post to slack It's like that. Let's look at each one.
Go to Here (https://trello.com/app-key).
Trello API Keys
Make a copy of the Key at the top. (If you put it in a memo pad, ◎)
Trello API Token
Click the Token link in ToKen: under Key :.
Would you like to give the following application access to your account?
Will be asked, so scroll and Allow.
When you move to the above page, the Token Key is written, so copy it as well.
Next, let's install the library (py-trello). This time, I plan to use Lambda, so install the library in the same folder as the python code (trello_alert). (Leave the inside of the folder dirty)
mkdir trello_alert
cd trello_alert
pip install py-trello --target .
Now you're ready to hit the API. Let's actually hit it.
from trello import TrelloClient
#API connection to trello
api_key='Write API Key here',
api_secret='Write API Token here'
If you run it and the list of trello is output, the task of hitting the API is completed.
Now, let's get the list and output the people who have not completed the task that is near the deadline. Basically, the code of the TrelloClient class is posted on This GitHub, so check it if necessary. please try. I will refer to the code I wrote. (Since it is raised to lamda, it is the code for lamda)
#Get Task incomplete person whose Date is approaching
import re
import datetime
from trello import TrelloClient
import json
def lambda_handler(event, context):
result = {}
#Get dates for today and next week
today = datetime.date.today()
next_week = today + datetime.timedelta(weeks=1)
#API connection to trello
client = TrelloClient(
api_key='Write API Key here',
api_secret='Write API Token here'
#Get a trello card
board = client.get_board(`Note ①:Write the board id here`) #Get the board
target_list = board.get_list(`Note ②:Write the list id here`) #Get list
cards = target_list.list_cards() #Get a list of cards on the list
#Get task incomplete and deadline for each card
#Notify the deadline one week later and today
for c in cards:
#Get a card
card = client.get_card(c.id)
#Get card expiration
due = re.match("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}", c.due).group()
#Get a checklist of today's and one week's deadlines
if(str(due) == str(today) or str(due) == str(next_week)):
#Get checklist one by one
for checklist in card.checklists:
not_finish = []
for i, item in enumerate(checklist.items):
#Output task incomplete person
if(item["checked"]== False):
#Store card name and task incomplete person in dictionary format
result[c.name] = not_finish
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps(result, ensure_ascii=False)
Note 1: The board id is after b in the url when you open the trello board.
https://trello.com/b/board id/ board name
Note 2: Since there is an all_list function in the board class, output it to find the list id.
With this kind of feeling, I was able to get tasks that are close to the deadline and those who have not completed the tasks.
(If you want to run it locally, comment out 8th line, 45th to 48th lines
and add` print (result) at the end.)
Please note that if you do not name the file'lambda_function', it will not work when you upload it to lamda.
For the time being, the code is ready. I will raise it to lambda.
I need to make a zip file to put the code in lambda, so Select everything in the trello_alert folder, zip it and make it a zip file. The zip file name should be trello.
If you search for lambda from Find Services, AWS Lambda will appear as a candidate, so select it.
After moving to this page, click create function
On the next page, select the far left and scroll down.
Fill in like this. (Trello_alert is in the red because it is said that it already exists)
Then click create function.
Trello_alert will be added to Lambda.
Click trello_alert to upload the code.
After moving to this page, click the Action part at the bottom right.
Select ʻUpload a .zip file` and upload the trello.zip you created earlier.
The file will be uploaded like this.
(If the default lambda_function gets in the way, delete it)
After that, press save on the above screen to execute test.
When you press test, the following screen will appear, so set Event name to test and create.
You will be returned to the previous screen, so run test again.
If 200 responses are returned to Execution Result, uploading to lambda is complete.
For those who want to write API Key and API Token raw in the code ..
Since there are Enviroment variables under the Function code,
Set the environment variable there, and in the code,
If you write, it will be executed without any problem.
I want to run it regularly, so I use CloudWatch Events.
Select Add trigger from the Lambda (trello_alert) screen.
Fill in the setting screen as follows and add it.
This time, I wanted to post regularly at 9 am on weekdays, so
cron(0 9 ? * MON-FRI *)
And write a Schedule expression.
If you want every minute
rate(1 minute)
If you set it as OK!
I created the Slack app by referring to the following article. [2020 version] Create and set bot application to post messages with slack API (detailed explanation of scope authority)
lambda_function.py Add the following code.
import requests
#Post to slack
url = "https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage"
msg = {
"token": "Write ACCESS TOKEN here",
"channel": "Write the channel ID you want to post here",
"text": result
requests.post(url, data=msg)
It was a good experience to be able to use AWS, hit APIs, and expect improvements in business.