[JAVA] Android development-WEB access (POST) Try to communicate with the outside and send data. ~


Hello. I'm Wataku, a server-side programmer who is studying programming at a certain school. : relaxed: Let's develop Android this time as well. This time I would like to connect to an external network with Android and send data. It's almost the same as the last GET.

Target person

--A person who can write java reasonably. --A person who can do so in Android development. -Android development-WEB access (GET) Try to get data by communicating with the outside. ~.

POST transmission

  1. Prepare a character string that connects the request parameters to be sent with "&".
String postData =“Request parameter 1= ” +Value 1+ “ &Request parameter 2= ” +Value 2
  1. Set the request method to POST.
  1. Enables output of request parameters.
  1. Get OutputStream. → Connect the server and the pipe.
OutputStream os = con.getOutputStream()
  1. Send request parameters → Connect the server and pipe.
//String(String)Data cannot be sent unless it is converted to bytes

** (Note) ** * Con.connect () is not required for POST. * Progress When ** publishProgress () ** is called in "doInBackground ()" of AsyucTask, "onProgressUpdate ()" is executed in the UI thread.

--The value passed to the argument of publishProgress () is passed to the argument of onProgressUpdate () as it is. --The argument type is specified in the second part of AsyucTask generics.

private class PostAccess extends AsyucTask< String, String, String > {   
  public String doInBackground(String ... parent) {

  public void onProgressUpdate(String ... values) {
    super.onProgressUpdate(values);//Write as a promise

Sample code to POST to the server

public class PostActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static final String ACCESS_URL = "http://xxx.xxx.xx/xx/~~~.php";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void sendButtonClick(View view) {
        EditText etName = findViewById(R.id.etName);
        EditText etComment = findViewById(R.id.etComment);
        TextView tvProcess = findViewById(R.id.tvProcess);
        TextView tvResult = findViewById(R.id.tvResult);


        String name = etName.getText().toString();
        String comment = etComment.getText().toString();

        PostAccess access = new PostAccess(tvProcess, tvResult);
        access.execute(ACCESS_URL, name, comment);

    private class PostAccess extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {
        private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "PostAccess";
        private TextView _tvProcess;
        private TextView _tvResult;
        private boolean _success = false;

        public PostAccess(TextView tvProcess, TextView tvResult) {
            _tvProcess = tvProcess;
            _tvResult = tvResult;

        public String doInBackground(String... params) {
            String urlStr = params[0];
            String name = params[1];
            String comment = params[2];

            String postData = "name= " + name + "&comment=" + comment;
            HttpURLConnection con = null;
            InputStream is = null;
            String result = "";

            try {
                URL url = new URL(urlStr);
                con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
                OutputStream os = con.getOutputStream();
                int status = con.getResponseCode();
                if (status != 200) {
                    throw new IOException("Status code: " + status);
                is = con.getInputStream();

                result = is2String(is);
                _success = true;
            catch(SocketTimeoutException ex) {
                Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, "time out", ex);
            catch(MalformedURLException ex) {
                Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, "URL conversion failure", ex);
            catch(IOException ex) {
                Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, "Communication failure", ex);
            finally {
                if (con != null) {
                try {
                    if (is != null) {
                catch (IOException ex) {
                    Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, "InputStream analysis failed", ex);
            return result;

        public void onProgressUpdate(String... values) {
            String message = _tvProcess.getText().toString();
            if (!message.equals("")) {
                message += "\n";
            message += values[0];

        public void onPostExecute(String result) {
            if (_success) {
                String name = "";
                String comment = "";
                try {
                    JSONObject rootJson = new JSONObject(result);
                    name = rootJson.getString("name");
                    comment = rootJson.getString("comment");
                catch (JSONException ex) {
                    Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, "JSON parsing failed", ex);

                String message = getString(R.string.dlg_msg_name) + name + "\n" + getString(R.string.dlg_msg_comment) + comment;

        private String is2String(InputStream is) throws IOException {
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8"));
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            char[] b = new char[1024];
            int line;
            while(0 <= (line = reader.read(b))) {
                sb.append(b, 0, line);
            return sb.toString();

that's all. If you have any suggestions such as something wrong, please contact us. Thank you for reading to the end.

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