A note on touching Microsoft's face recognition API in Python

A memo when writing your own code based on Official Documents

Environment (latest version at the time of writing)


Install the required packages for the time being. You can do it with requests etc., but projectoxford is easier to write, so I adopted this!

$ pip install projectoxford

After that, prepare a subscription key and an image, and write a program.


import json, requests
from projectoxford import Client

client = Client('<your_subscription_key>')
res = {
    "url": "<image_url>",
    # or
    #'path': '</local/path/to/your_image>',
    'analyzesFaceLandmarks': True,
    'analyzesAge': True,
    'analyzesGender': True,
    'analyzesHeadPose': True,

result = client.face.detect(res)
print json.dumps(result, indent=4)

#Besides detect, groping, identify, verify,similar etc.

By the way, the result is like this.

$ python face_api.py

        "attributes": {
            "gender": "male", 
            "age": 35, 
            "headPose": {
                "yaw": -7.7, 
                "roll": -5.7, 
                "pitch": 0.0
        "faceId": "************************", 
        "faceRectangle": {
            "width": 99, 
            "top": 80, 
            "height": 99, 
            "left": 201
        "faceLandmarks": {
            "underLipTop": {
                "y": 160.5, 
                "x": 250.2
            "noseTip": {
                "y": 129.7, 
                "x": 247.1
            "upperLipBottom": {
                "y": 149.8, 
                "x": 249.5
            "noseLeftAlarTop": {
                "y": 124.6, 
                "x": 240.2
            "eyebrowLeftOuter": {
                "y": 107.8, 
                "x": 208.7
            "eyeLeftBottom": {
                "y": 112.8, 
                "x": 226.7
            "pupilLeft": {
                "y": 110.1, 
                "x": 228.2
            "upperLipTop": {
                "y": 145.1, 
                "x": 249.1
            "eyeLeftInner": {
                "y": 110.3, 
                "x": 234.0
            "eyeRightInner": {
                "y": 107.0, 
                "x": 262.8
            "eyeLeftTop": {
                "y": 108.5, 
                "x": 227.0
            "mouthLeft": {
                "y": 155.5, 
                "x": 233.0
            "noseRightAlarTop": {
                "y": 122.7, 
                "x": 258.3
            "eyebrowRightInner": {
                "y": 101.1, 
                "x": 253.9
            "noseLeftAlarOutTip": {
                "y": 133.7, 
                "x": 234.8
            "noseRightAlarOutTip": {
                "y": 130.4, 
                "x": 263.9
            "noseRootRight": {
                "y": 109.6, 
                "x": 253.9
            "eyeLeftOuter": {
                "y": 112.4, 
                "x": 219.9
            "underLipBottom": {
                "y": 166.9, 
                "x": 251.3
            "eyeRightTop": {
                "y": 102.8, 
                "x": 269.8
            "eyeRightOuter": {
                "y": 105.1, 
                "x": 276.1
            "noseRootLeft": {
                "y": 110.9, 
                "x": 240.6
            "eyebrowRightOuter": {
                "y": 96.1, 
                "x": 286.1
            "eyeRightBottom": {
                "y": 107.0, 
                "x": 270.2
            "eyebrowLeftInner": {
                "y": 104.1, 
                "x": 234.6
            "mouthRight": {
                "y": 150.6, 
                "x": 272.5
            "pupilRight": {
                "y": 104.4, 
                "x": 270.5

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