Yuta is learning Ruby and Rspec!
When I opened my portfolio site for the first time in a while, it turned out to be a screen I didn't want to see in a production environment. However, since this problem was raised in the docker issue on github, I was able to solve the problem relatively easily.
Also, because I was using RDS on AWS, the database was safe. RDS is expensive, but it's good mentally !!
The solution is to delete the image of the container. However, the information inside the container may disappear ... The information was ambiguous there.
$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
$ docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)
$ docker-compose build --no-cache
It seems that docker-compose will not start when the disk space of docker-compose is running low.
In other words, if you keep data or put together too much processing in the docker-compose file, the cache will accumulate, the docker-compose disk space will run out, and `ʻINTERNAL ERROR: cannot create temporary directory! `` will occur. ..
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