I just wanted to make a Reactive Property in Java


Not long ago, I wrote an article such as "JavaFX can do enough Data Binding!" Impression of creating a stopwatch app with Java + JavaFX + MVVM However, ** this is not enough! Not enough! ** Specifically ** I want to write in Generics! ** ** It's a String Property, a Boolean Property, ** You didn't think it was a millimeter of shit when you implemented it **, and it was named to ask Java developers (Sun or Oracle) for an hour. I was looking at the class I was in. "Then let's make a Reactive Property after practicing generics."

What to base

For the time being, I decided to inherit the interface Property <T> while having an instance of type Property <T> inside. The entity should be a SimpleObjectProperty <T> that inherits from the Property <T>, maybe.


public class ReactiveProperty<T> implements Property<T> {
    private Property<T> value;
    public ReactiveProperty(){
        value = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
    public ReactiveProperty(T t){
        value = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(t);

Since we inherited Property <T>, we naturally need to implement various methods, but we threw them all into the internal instance (the code is omitted because it is redundant). However, it is unpleasant to have to write a cast when the ʻObject type is an argument method, such as public void setValue (Object value) {this.value.setValue ((T) value);} `. is not it…….

Let's implement a method like ReactiveProperty

I'm aiming for an alternative, so I'd like to implement major methods such as Select and Subscribe. Regarding the notification method, since the internal instance has a ʻaddListenermethod, I decided to add it there. It's amazing that the notification function works properly with just this. However, Java does not have the concept of "extension method", so the result ofSelect suddenly becomes ReactiveProperty , and ToReactivePropertyreplacesStringProperty etc. with ReactiveProperty `. It's just a method for you.


public class ReactiveProperty<T> implements Property<T> {
    //Create ReactiveProperty from ReactiveProperty
    public <R> ReactiveProperty<R> select(Function<T, R> func){
        ReactiveProperty<R> retVal = new ReactiveProperty<>(func.apply(this.getValue()));
        this.addListener((sb, oldValue, newValue)->{retVal.setValue(func.apply((T)newValue));});
        return retVal;
    //Create a Reactive Property from two Reactive Properties
    public <U, R> ReactiveProperty<R> combineLatest(ReactiveProperty<U> u, BiFunction<T, U, R> func){
        ReactiveProperty<R> retVal = new ReactiveProperty<>(func.apply(this.getValue(), u.getValue()));
        this.addListener((sb, oldValue, newValue)->{retVal.setValue(func.apply((T)newValue, u.getValue()));});
        u.addListener((sb, oldValue, newValue)->{retVal.setValue(func.apply(this.getValue(), (U)newValue));});
        return retVal;
    //Create Reactive Property from ◯◯ Property
    public static <R> ReactiveProperty<R> ToReactiveProperty(Property<R> r){
        ReactiveProperty<R> retVal = new ReactiveProperty<>(r.getValue());
        r.addListener((sb, oldValue, newValue)->{retVal.setValue(r.getValue());});
        return retVal;
    //Change notification function
    public void subscribe(Consumer<T> cons){
        this.addListener((sb, oldValue, newValue) -> {cons.accept(this.getValue());});


By implementing as above, I was able to create a property with notification by generics. When I brought it to a JavaFX project and used it, it inherits Property <T>, so it can be Data-bound properly with the property of the control, so it seems to be useful enough.

Whole source code

This is a crappy code written by a Java beginner, but please understand. I'm sorry that the package name is For those who implemented LINQ in Java. Is it necessary to change the model name as well ...?


package com.github.jrper;

import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
import javafx.beans.property.Property;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;

import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;

public class ReactiveProperty<T> implements Property<T> {
    private Property<T> value;
    public ReactiveProperty(){
        value = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
    public ReactiveProperty(T t){
        value = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(t);

    //Because it inherits the Property interface ...
    public void addListener(ChangeListener listener) {value.addListener(listener);}
    public void removeListener(ChangeListener listener) {value.removeListener(listener);}
    public void setValue(Object value){this.value.setValue((T)value);}
    public void bind(ObservableValue observable) {value.bind(observable);}
    public void unbind() {value.unbind();}
    public boolean isBound() {return value.isBound();}
    public void bindBidirectional(Property other) {value.bindBidirectional(other);}
    public void unbindBidirectional(Property other) {value.unbindBidirectional(other);}
    public Object getBean() {return value.getBean();}
    public String getName() {return value.getName();}
    public void addListener(InvalidationListener listener) {value.addListener(listener);}
    public void removeListener(InvalidationListener listener) {value.removeListener(listener);}

    // getter
    public T getValue(){return value.getValue();}

    //Create ReactiveProperty from ReactiveProperty
    public <R> ReactiveProperty<R> select(Function<T, R> func){
        ReactiveProperty<R> retVal = new ReactiveProperty<>(func.apply(this.getValue()));
        this.addListener((sb, oldValue, newValue)->{retVal.setValue(func.apply((T)newValue));});
        return retVal;
    //Create a Reactive Property from two Reactive Properties
    public <U, R> ReactiveProperty<R> combineLatest(ReactiveProperty<U> u, BiFunction<T, U, R> func){
        ReactiveProperty<R> retVal = new ReactiveProperty<>(func.apply(this.getValue(), u.getValue()));
        this.addListener((sb, oldValue, newValue)->{retVal.setValue(func.apply((T)newValue, u.getValue()));});
        u.addListener((sb, oldValue, newValue)->{retVal.setValue(func.apply(this.getValue(), (U)newValue));});
        return retVal;
    //Create Reactive Property from ◯◯ Property
    public static <R> ReactiveProperty<R> ToReactiveProperty(Property<R> r){
        ReactiveProperty<R> retVal = new ReactiveProperty<>(r.getValue());
        r.addListener((sb, oldValue, newValue)->{retVal.setValue(r.getValue());});
        return retVal;
    //Change notification function
    public void subscribe(Consumer<T> cons){
        this.addListener((sb, oldValue, newValue) -> {cons.accept(this.getValue());});

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